General discussion of development ideas and the approaches taken in the 3.x branch of phpBB. The current feature release of phpBB 3 is 3.3/Proteus.
Forum rules Please do not post support questions regarding installing, updating, or upgrading phpBB 3.3.x. If you need support for phpBB 3.3.x please visit the 3.3.x Support Forum on
If you have questions regarding writing extensions please post in Extension Writers Discussion to receive proper guidance from our staff and community.
Added lang_js() function to twig as replacement for LA_
Notable Changes
Removed "structure only" backup
Upgraded third party libraries like Symfony & s9e text-formatter to their latest versions
Notable Bugfixes
Resolved some more issues with PHP 8
Various potential migration issues due to dependencies and local settings
Upgrade and conversion issues from previous releases
Issues with database handling in PostgreSQL, e.g. during backups
OAuth account linking not working
The packages can be downloaded from our package archive or the Area51 downloads page. Please test the packages to extent, so we can have a fail-save final release.
Placement: includes/mcp/mcp_front.php
Arguments: forum_list, forum_names, post_list, sql, total
Added in Release: 3.3.5-RC1
Explanation: Alter posts data SQL query
Placement: includes/mcp/mcp_front.php
Arguments: forum_list, mode, reported_post_row, row
Added in Release: 3.3.5-RC1
Explanation: Alter reported posts template block for MCP front page
Placement: includes/mcp/mcp_front.php
Arguments: forum_names, mode, row, unapproved_post_row
Added in Release: 3.3.5-RC1
Explanation: Alter unapproved posts template block for MCP front page
Placement: includes/mcp/mcp_main.php
Arguments: counter, new_topic_id, row, sql_ary, to_forum_id
Added in Release: 3.3.5-RC1
Explanation: Modify the forked post's sql array before it's inserted into the database.
Placement: includes/mcp/mcp_reports.php
Arguments: forum_data, mode, post_row, row, start, topic_id
Added in Release: 3.3.5-RC1
Explanation: Alter posts template block for MCP reports
Placement: includes/mcp/mcp_reports.php
Arguments: forum_list, sort_order_sql, sql, topic_id
Added in Release: 3.3.5-RC1
Explanation: Alter sql query to get reports data for requested forum and topic or just forum
Placement: includes/mcp/mcp_topic.php
Arguments: action, forum_id, has_unapproved_posts, icon_id, id, mode, s_topic_icons, start, subject, to_forum_id, to_topic_id, topic_id, topic_info, topic_row, total
Added in Release: 3.3.5-RC1
Explanation: Event to modify the template data block for topic data output in the MCP
Placement: includes/mcp/mcp_topic.php
Arguments: action, forum_id, start, subject, to_forum_id, to_topic_id, topic_id, topic_info
Added in Release: 3.3.5-RC1
Explanation: Event to access topic data after split
Placement: includes/functions_admin.php
Arguments: sql_ary
Added in Release: 3.3.5-RC1
Explanation: Event to modify the SQL array to get the post and user data from all forums' last posts
Placement: includes/functions_admin.php
Arguments: fieldnames, forum_data, post_info
Added in Release: 3.3.5-RC1
Explanation: Event to modify the SQL array to get the post and user data from all forums' last posts
Placement: includes/functions_admin.php
Arguments: row, topic_data, topic_id
Added in Release: 3.3.5-RC1
Explanation: Event to modify the topic_data when syncing topics
Placement: includes/functions_admin.php
Arguments: custom_fieldnames, sql_ary
Added in Release: 3.3.5-RC1
Explanation: Event to modify the SQL array to get the post and user data from all topics' last posts
Placement: includes/functions_posting.php
Arguments: sql_ary, type
Added in Release: 3.3.5-RC1
Explanation: Event to modify the SQL array to get the post and user data from all last posts
Placement: includes/functions_posting.php
Arguments: rowset, type, update_sql
Added in Release: 3.3.5-RC1
Explanation: Event to modify the update_sql array to add new update data for forum or topic last posts
Template Events
Prosilver Placement: viewtopic_body.html
Added in Release: 3.3.5-RC1
Explanation: Add content after the signature
Prosilver Placement: viewtopic_body.html
Added in Release: 3.3.5-RC1
Explanation: Add content before the signature
The update (manual method) went without problems, thanks team.
The change in the overall_header.html would also have to be made in the simple_header.html.
This Bug still exists!
Other than testing the update process and basic sanity testing is there anything else that the development team could suggest as a focus for testing with this update?