Database normalisation

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Database normalisation

Post by erk »

There are 5 norms you should follow by making a new database...but in every book, which I read, people write only about 3 first norms. Everyone tells me 3 are enough to make a good database, because the last ones are only for special problems with really big databases...but I'm just curious...anyone could explain what are 4th and 5th norms about?
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Stefan Koopmanschap
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Post by Stefan Koopmanschap »

sorry, they only taught me the first three in school. the teacher only mentioned the other two once, right at the beginning, and told us to forget about it immediately :)

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Post by erk »

Yeah...I hear it also all the time...But someone have to know all 5 norms...or is it like from a novel of Franz Kafka...everyone knows that something exists, but noone has ever seen it :D
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Post by mitsubishi »

Well I don't ave a clue what you're talkin about :oops:

Seem to get on alright without them tho :D
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Post by erk »

maybe it's my english...I'm not sure if you call it norms or rules or whatever. you should follow this rules to not make your database entries redundant, to keep your database simple, logical and easy to mantain
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Post by BG »

If your really wanting to punish yourself to know 4th and 5th normal forms... a decent overview and was all I could find on the web using Google.

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Post by erk »

thx...I should have done some research first...of course I probably wouldn't find anything :wink: It quite difficoult to search when you aren't sure what for....
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