see the code here

lazy loading with jump to is perfectly fine in my opinion
I hope that we will never ever have a "load more" button like stupid YouTube and IMDb.
I do not agree also not sure if load more or just lazy loaded is best yet will have to wait to test that later, besides we have a jump to page feature which counters this and it will be a feature that will be configurable anyway.Louis7777 wrote: Sun Feb 03, 2019 12:01 pm I hope that we will never ever have a "load more" button like stupid YouTube and IMDb.It makes it impossible to navigate and discover older content. Pagination ftw!
With IMDb, for example, I used to quickly read reviews up until the 10th page (because the first pages are usually full of paid reviews so one needs to go deeper) and a few random ones beyond that to decide whether a movie was worth it. But now they have a stupid "load more" button that makes me say "f*ck it" after pressing it a couple of times, so I just don't read reviews anymore.
Can you elaborate on why you think that "load more" is better than pagination? By "configurable" you mean that we'll be able to choose between the superior pagination and the "load more" crap in the settings?hanakin wrote: Sun Feb 03, 2019 11:04 pm I do not agree also not sure if load more or just lazy loaded is best yet will have to wait to test that later, besides we have a jump to page feature which counters this and it will be a feature that will be configurable anyway.
Why is it good and what's suddenly wrong with pagination?
kind of making my point for me. but first I am not saying that we are going for a load more button for certain! That is there for now as a place holder until we get to integration testing to prevent footer avoidance. I do however feel that pagination is far from perfect. In fact it's very dated and cumbersome. Yes, it needs a huge UX facelift and so does jump to page which it will get. I am still working on all of it we are way early on These are just mock-ups nothing is hard-set.Louis7777 wrote: Mon Feb 04, 2019 4:22 am Think of YouTube comments or IMDb reviews. Do you ever hit the "load more" button to see older discussion or reviews? Personally, I don't - and especially at YouTube's search results I always hope that the first top results are great otherwise I'm not going to scroll that much even if I'm really desperate! And how many times are you going to hit it before you become annoyed?
And what if you locate something that you'd like to revisit - perhaps to show it to someone else sitting next to you - but you didn't take the time to copy or bookmark? Press "load more" until you spot it, right? Instead of navigating to the specific page (i.e. depth) that you remember seeing it and maybe by checking on the dates of the latest replies because you happen to remember dates. Perhaps you'd prefer to hit a random page just to see the dates and then move backwards from there or try the page in the middle in a binary search manner. But I guess you prefer the sequential search for whatever reason.
I'm glad that it's not a final decision. I don't understand why you think that pagination is complicated and cumbersome.hanakin wrote: Mon Feb 04, 2019 8:47 am As you say "do you ever really go that deep on google results? maybe the first two pages that's it." Same with forums really...probably even more so. Again not sure how the implementation will go...
The fact that we use archaic pagination which is a very complicated and cumbersome process as opposed to straight lazy loading should be considered for simplification merits alone IMHO.