akbarhashmi, thanks for your interest! Requirements are vague on purpose to let you decide on many aspects. Original idea does not count with ajax/push updates.
The main idea is to redesign PMs to show as one stream of messages instead of many "topics". So yes, subjects would be removed and all "topics" between two users merged into one stream.
That said, you need to cover all cases here. Let's say two users talk about 3 different topics in 3 separate message streams. How can we merge them in a meaningful way so that they are not lost in conversations after admin updates the board? The same applies for group chats. For example global moderators can have up to 10 message streams ("topics") discussed at the same time. We need to merge them meaningfully as well.
Obviously, we are going to loose some features here (multiple message streams between two users, folders, ...), but for the sake of simplicity. Also to be similar to many chat systems out there, so user already knows how to use it.
EDIT: (after discussing with other team members we've gotten to a better idea)
We decided to keep "topics", because many users get advantage of this feature. So what we would like to see is redesigned PM page that is not divided into "latest message" on top and "message history" below it, but instead one ASC ordered stream of messages (exactly like you are used to in Messenger, Twitter direct messages, WhatsApp, etc.). Obviously, we need to keep the quote, report and delete options as well as allow BBcodes and smilies, so design can't be that simple as in above mentioned chat apps. I don't want to get into details, because it's up to you to define it.
So if you have any more questions, just ask. We are here to help. Also, if you have some ideas already in your mind, write it down in a google doc or something and share with us as soon as possible so that we can help you with your proposal as well.
koraldon wrote: Fri Feb 16, 2018 1:22 pm
Not sure about the definition, but chat based should be something like Facebook private messages, which popup on every page you are browsing and you can respond to in real time.
It's completely different idea. We don't want realtime chat on the bottom of every page. Just redesign current PM system.