About the recaptcha 2.0 implementation here

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About the recaptcha 2.0 implementation here

Post by andreszs »

Please help me anwser a simple question here. This Area51 forum includes a Google Recaptcha 2.0 for new users. This is of course a very basic, essential feature that every single register form ought to include. So far so good.

Now, I've just installed phpBB 3.2.1 and:
  • The register captcha features the obsolete GDI image with unreadable codes that was created in the late 90's
  • There is no extension for Google Recaptcha 2.0 comptible with 3.2.
:?: Question, with all due respect: Why the developers here keep this great feature to themselves instead of making it available to the general public? Could you please at least have the deference of publishing an official Recaptcha extension, if you would be so kind?

I strongly believe that all forum admins deserve the right to get the tools for avoiding forum spam. Implementing this privately on your own forum, is in my opinion, a discourtesy (to say the least) to the thousands of phpBB admins and the millions of phpBB users out there. Please reconsider implementing this somehow, even with an official extension if possible. Thanks for your consideration.

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Re: About the recaptcha 2.0 implementation here

Post by Vinny »

phpBB 3.2.0 ships with reCAPTCHA 2.0.

Have you seen the new features included? https://www.phpbb.com/about/launch/

Take a look at docs: https://www.phpbb.com/support/docs/en/3 ... cp_captcha

If you have doubts about how to activate any plugins, please post your questions in the support forum.
