Reports as UCP module

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Reports as UCP module

Post by AmigoJack »

There are two disadvantages of the current report handling:
  1. I as a user submit a report and that's it - then I have to wait until I get a notification when it's closed. But why can't I have another UCP module which lists all reports created by me, including their status (open/closed)?
  2. If I submitted a report and 3 minutes later I realize I made a mistake I can't edit anything. If reports would sense when they're read by moderators for the first time then the creator should be able to edit his reports until then - just like private messages can be edited as long as nobody has read them.
I'm speaking of making reports more convenient to the regular user (those not being able to handle/see reports).

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Re: Reports as UCP module

Post by david63 »

I would guess that point 1 should be fairly easy to achieve with an extension as it is probably only a db query and then a bit of formatting/manipulation of the data.

For point 2 it could be as simple as deleting the report via the above and then creating a new report.
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Re: Reports as UCP module

Post by AmigoJack »

And which administrator would install an extension that he or his moderators don't need? My point is that the current implementation is only a one way useful thing.

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Re: Reports as UCP module

Post by david63 »

AmigoJack wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2017 1:24 pm And which administrator would install an extension that he or his moderators don't need?
But if was in the core then it would probably have a permission so an Admin could remove the permission if he did not want it, and if it did not have a permission then he could just disable the module - which really would be little difference to having an extension.

One thought that occurred to - I wonder if it would have the effect for some members to report posts/topics just so that they would see something on that tab?
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Re: Reports as UCP module

Post by AmigoJack »

david63 wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:49 pman Admin could remove the permission if he did not want it, and if it did not have a permission then he could just disable the module - which really would be little difference to having an extension
The main difference is: by default the module would be activated and the permission be given - there are many "administrators" out there just installing the board and not adjust its settings.
david63 wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:49 pmjust so that they would see something on that tab
Doesn't seem to occur with PMs, subscriptions, bookmarks and so on either, or did you experience such a thing?

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