based on the include icon images we are still providing icons for the following
Normal simple forms of contact
- PM
- JABBER <- anyone actually use this anymore
- ICQ <- anyone actually use this anymore
- WLM <- same as skype?
- AOL <- anyone actually use this anymore
The questions are as follows
- Should they remain
- Should we add more
- Should we break them up
The first one is straight forward, I would suggest we at a minimum consider removing WLM, ICQ & AIM as they are not used much if at all.
An argument could also be used for jabber as well since most individuals are probably using skype or facebook messenger to accomplish this which both are instances of jabber...
Facebook messenger: ... t-website/
given the next section we could look to add other social profiles by default github to name one but there are several...
This is specifically referring to the separation in function between the chat/messeging services vs the social profile links. Perhaps we need to separate out the profiles into its own menu.
These are all just suggestions to get some feedback for the development on the new theme to move forward...