Arty wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 10:35 pm
hanakin wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2018 12:12 pm
Is it cacheable? Though if I have a page with 100 + icons that has to go through this every load I’m wondering the cost?
Sorry, didn't check area51 for a while. Project has been re-written recently (again), this time its final version and already stable release candidate is available
Also renamed from SimpleSVG to Iconify.
Yes, its cacheable. By default icons are cached in session storage. Also there is possibility to cache in local storage, but its disabled by default. If both are disabled for some reason, there is backup method of requesting icons that forms identical API requests, so it can be cached in browser. Also its possible to bundle commonly used icons with custom scripts, such as forum's main script.
Sorry have been busy workign on all the other things and have not had a chance to look at this in depth. Looks like its come along nicely. exscpecially for replacing fonts with and svg alternative. May look at integrating in 3.3 to quickly replace font-awsome. Few questions though for consideration for the new theme.
We have to provied the option for the user to add local/custom icons as well in either png or svg format. The current plan is to handle this via a twig function which we have just started working on
The intent is to be able to server icons and imagesets via the same function so monochrome and none-monochrome svgs
Since it looks like all the icons are generated on your servers and returned via api as an svg file. Is it then possible to just call this api directly based on the icon name in the template
<img src="{{ fa-home }}.svg">
trying to look at integrating this with the current plan as I would rather all of it be handled in the backend the same way and avoid having to load a js file in the browser if the user is using all custom imgs/icons.
Apologies I am currently at work and your server/cdn does not render the icons through our firewall to test it myself, I will doucle check at home and edit the post if need be.