Has someone been updating Area51's board software?

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Has someone been updating Area51's board software?

Post by P_I »

Not sure if this is the correct forum to post this, so please move if it should be elsewhere.

I could swear over the past couple of days the icons and some of the buttons (Save draft/Preview/Submit) have changed appearance. I also think my avatar has disappeared.

If I'm correct, on a Win10 desktop, using Chrome 58 (beta), I'm seeing fuzziness in the icons used to indicate if there are unread on no unread posts.

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Re: Has someone been updating Area51's board software?

Post by Lady_G »

This site has definitely been modified, as the board login security dropped to insecure http://.

I was about to submit a bug tracker report and checked one last time. Within the last few minutes of this post time, https:// protocol was restored.

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Re: Has someone been updating Area51's board software?

Post by hanakin »


area51 is and always has been the test board. It is kept uptodate with the master branch so you will see constant changes as things are merged to the repo.

The form buttons have been altered for better consistency and simplicity in code and color of all buttons. There is an issue I am working with what should be bold as that was never done very consistent.

The forum icons on here are retina if they are fuzy then it may be a browser issue that needs reported. However the change was a hack using larger gifs in 3.2.1 and will be changed in 3.3 to use svg versions https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb/pull/4697

As for the avatar you do not seem to have one setup.

not ure about any of that but might be why I have had issues logging in using Oauth lately
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Re: Has someone been updating Area51's board software?

Post by mrgtb »

The form submit buttons do look a lot better now using a larger size, compared to how they looked in the initial release of phpBB 3.2, which they looked too small. Have you carried this same change across with the form submit buttons into the Admin CP for consistency there also to match the front-end?

Another note, I think you need to change the font-size used with 3.2 now. With everything going mobile these days, using a larger font for reading and writing text has become a 'norm' across most paid forum software trying to cater better towards mobile use. You still use too small a font-size with phpBB 3.2, same size as used with 3.1, which I think needs be increased and a different font style used for it.

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Re: Has someone been updating Area51's board software?

Post by RMcGirr83 »

mrgtb wrote: Sat May 13, 2017 9:30 am The form submit buttons do look a lot better now using a larger size, compared to how they looked in the initial release of phpBB 3.2, which they looked too small. Have you carried this same change across with the form submit buttons into the Admin CP for consistency there also to match the front-end?

Another note, I think you need to change the font-size used with 3.2 now. With everything going mobile these days, using a larger font for reading and writing text has become a 'norm' across most paid forum software trying to cater better towards mobile use. You still use too small a font-size with phpBB 3.2, same size as used with 3.1, which I think needs be increased and a different font style used for it.
Which would need to be a ticket in the tracker.
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Re: Has someone been updating Area51's board software?

Post by DavidIQ »

mrgtb wrote: Sat May 13, 2017 9:30 am The form submit buttons do look a lot better now using a larger size, compared to how they looked in the initial release of phpBB 3.2, which they looked too small. Have you carried this same change across with the form submit buttons into the Admin CP for consistency there also to match the front-end?
#1: this site is not using 3.2. It is using whatever is in the master branch so whatever changes you see here you will likely not be seeing in 3.2.
#2: the ACP will be undergoing a style overhaul so I don't think we really need to spend much time there in the current 3.2.
mrgtb wrote: Sat May 13, 2017 9:30 amAnother note, I think you need to change the font-size used with 3.2 now. With everything going mobile these days, using a larger font for reading and writing text has become a 'norm' across most paid forum software trying to cater better towards mobile use. You still use too small a font-size with phpBB 3.2, same size as used with 3.1, which I think needs be increased and a different font style used for it.
As Rich said, this goes in the tracker, although this sounds a lot more like preference to me than an actual standard (that some other software is doing this does not make it a standard), but hey I'm not the style guy here. That's for hanakin to decide.

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Re: Has someone been updating Area51's board software?

Post by mrgtb »

How comes there has been no downloads offered for days, well.. all week in these 3 link areas?

Olympus (3.0.x) Nightly
Ascraeus (3.1.x) Nightly
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Re: Has someone been updating Area51's board software?

Post by MattF »

Yeah all the forum icon status buttons are fuzzy...not sharp or retina at all. I've seen this mentioned elsewhere. They look like the original icons were scaled up 2x and saved that way...hence they are fuzzy even when rescaled back down to their original size vvia CSS.

https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb/commit/7 ... 72ada23d72

The original images weren't vector based or designed at a larger resolution so scaling them up was just polishing a ... you know what ;P
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Re: Has someone been updating Area51's board software?

Post by 3Di »

mrgtb wrote: Mon May 29, 2017 5:47 pm How comes there has been no downloads offered for days, well.. all week in these 3 link areas?

Olympus (3.0.x) Nightly
Ascraeus (3.1.x) Nightly
Rhea (3.2.x) Nightly
3.0.x is "EoL" so to speak.

About the others, simply use Git(Hub)'d branches.
The master branch is 3.3.x, FYI. AFAIK should reflect the status of area51.
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Re: Has someone been updating Area51's board software?

Post by Cin »

VSE wrote: Tue May 30, 2017 12:54 am Yeah all the forum icon status buttons are fuzzy...not sharp or retina at all. I've seen this mentioned elsewhere. They look like the original icons were scaled up 2x and saved that way...hence they are fuzzy even when rescaled back down to their original size vvia CSS.

https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb/commit/7 ... 72ada23d72

The original images weren't vector based or designed at a larger resolution so scaling them up was just polishing a ... you know what ;P
Adding image-rendering:-webkit-optimize-contrast; fixes this for me on Chrome.

image-rendering:-moz-crisp-edges; for Firefox
image-rendering:-o-crisp-edges; for Opera

Should do it for other browsers.

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