Insert a function to replace the translated contents of any language into English (British)

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Insert a function to replace the translated contents of any language into English (British)

Post by Peteh_2 »

Hello to all members of development team,
I need a Translator like Google Translate to translate any language into another required language as well as Insert a function to replace the translated contents of any language into English (British), since some of my users may use the languages other than English(British). So as per this condition I need a translator whose automatically convert the topic posting in English(British).

Why Insert a "Function" :
Google Translator extension is best to manually translate the topics/posts in the languages as per required but this extension can't automatically convert the topic posting contents in English(British) i.e. the original contents of topics/posts of other languages becomes in English(British) like in case of word censoring, the particular word is replaced by another specified word; through this extension the original contents kept remain in their original languages and in this condition word censoring can't work.

How is it done:
As per according to me "It's Possible"; If we have a database of language translator just like Google Translate.
When a translator is able to translate any language into any other language then we have only to do; is to insert a function to replace the translation of any language into any specified other language like English (British).

That's all we have done...

Thanks and I hope to hear the reply of this post as soon!

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Re: Insert a function to replace the translated contents of any language into English (British)

Post by david63 »

Discounting the inaccuracies related to using Google translate it will only translate a displayed page "on the fly" - for what you are asking you would need the Google Translate API which, unfortunately, is not a free service.
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Re: Insert a function to replace the translated contents of any language into English (British)

Post by Peteh_2 »

Hello David63,
david63 wrote: Sat Apr 09, 2016 1:43 pmfor what you are asking you would need the Google Translate API which, unfortunately, is not a free service.
Please read:

Why Insert a "Function" & How is it done!

I have explained all terms and the term "Google Translate" used at here is only for example.


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Re: Insert a function to replace the translated contents of any language into English (British)

Post by Marc »

What you are asking for goes far beyond what phpBB should and can do. This would require a large translation database for numerous languages, something phpBB is not but Google Translate is and has been working on for years.
Adding something like that is simply out of the scope of phpBB. You want to translate the post content to English? There are tools for that in your browser and you can provide this server side by integrating with the Google translate API. Both of which are unrelated to the phpBB core.

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Re: Insert a function to replace the translated contents of any language into English (British)

Post by Peteh_2 »

Hello Marc,
Marc wrote: Sun Apr 10, 2016 7:50 am What you are asking for goes far beyond what phpBB should and can do. This would require a large translation database for numerous languages, something phpBB is not but Google Translate is and has been working on for years.
Adding something like that is simply out of the scope of phpBB. You want to translate the post content to English? There are tools for that in your browser and you can provide this server side by integrating with the Google translate API. Both of which are unrelated to the phpBB core.
Now, I am agree with you...Both of which are unrelated to the phpBB core.
Thanks for help

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Re: Insert a function to replace the translated contents of any language into English (British)

Post by afifaadam »

david63 wrote: Sat Apr 09, 2016 1:43 pm Discounting the inaccuracies related to using Google translate it will only translate a displayed page "on the fly" - for what you are asking you would need the Google Translate API which, unfortunately, is not a free service.
Google translator just translate the home page of a site .if there are fields in that site page .u just chk that fields they are still in their own site language .becz google translate the home page

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