phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

General discussion of development ideas and the approaches taken in the 3.x branch of phpBB. The current feature release of phpBB 3 is 3.3/Proteus.
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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by leschek »

OK. What I tried to do was checking my translation for errors, because I wasn't able to switch the language of installer from English to different language. I thought it can be caused by some errors in my language files, but when I replaced original English files with my translation I didn't get any errors, so I'm kind of confident about my language files.

Anyway, the point is - I'm not able to switch language of installer.

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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by MattF »

RMcGirr83 wrote: Sat Nov 28, 2015 8:25 pm
VSE wrote: Sat Nov 28, 2015 4:24 pm Also should be noted:

Updating a board that has extensions installed which are not compatible with 3.2 can lead to PHP fatal errors after the update (half the phphBB official 3.1 extensions are not compatible with 3.2).

The updater should probably be extension aware in some way, either disabling them all, or disabling those with a <3.2 requirement.
I assume because of the new bbcode implementation?
No, bbcodes are the same. Mostly because of changes if you use the notifications system. Or because of the font awesome overhaul. Also a whole gaggle of core event variables got renamed :/

Bottom line is no ext author can assume their ext is automatically compatible with 3.2. You gotta check and test 'em all, just in case.
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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by RMcGirr83 »

Okay complaint time. It was bad enough having to learn about symfony and routes, etc. and now that extension authors have spent a lot of time learning it and applying those items to extensions and/or the mods they have converted into extensions now have to be relooked at to be in compliance with 3.2? Has the term "backwards compatibility" gone by the wayside?

To be honest, that is asking a bit too much. For the record, 3.1.7 was supposed to be released and yet there is some sort of lag in releasing it. Why? Who knows (maybe it's because nickvergessen hasn't been heard of in a while but that's speculation).

It is making this whole thing, that I have enjoyed doing for the past 10 or so years, not enjoyable any longer and it is especially discouraging when I get absolutely zilch concerning an issue that I have expressed, concerning installing 3.2 on XAMPP, and received basically nothing.

As I am sure you are aware, many jr validators test extensions on a local install. The local install not working is not optimum and needs to be fixed. If it is in my setup so be it, but I need guidance as to what to look for and have provided, I believe, more than enough information.

And don't even get me going on the lack of "web team" fixing the current issues over at which have been documented and nothing done about them other than other "UI fluff" getting added into the CDB (which also has issues btw). I even opened a topic at concerning it ... &t=2344901 and it got just exactly one reply from a non-team member. So much for "general discussion".

If it is the intent of phpBB to drive extension authors away, or to just *beep* them off in general, well you, collectively, are succeeding. Whether that be the lack of "professional development" or the lack of validation of extensions that are uploaded into the CDB (during the past three weeks there have been exactly 9 extensions validated as far as I can tell). It is disheartening to spend time on something that doesn't seem to matter to anyone else.

I am pretty close to saying goodbye to phpBB and wishing you all good luck.

PS Why in the hell would someone spend so much time in renaming variables? That seems extremely pedantic and a huge waste of resources. But, then again, I am probably not smart enough to understand it.
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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by MattF »

^ I tend to agree with some of that. I know the dev team had reasons for some of these changes. But notifying the ext community of such things is just as important as making the changes.

Personally, I'd wish to see Font Awesome and event variable name changes reverted just because of their B.C. fallout :roll: The BBcode engine changes are should be B.C. between 3.1 and 3.2.

IMO, it's imperative 3.2 be as B.C. as possible and as I mentioned earlier in this thread, some of our own official exts are broken and needed to be updated for 3.2:
  • Board Rules - It extends notifications, and required updating to the new class, and font awesome related changes
  • Auto Groups - Also notifications, and also a renamed event data variable
  • Pages - Issues due to Font Awesome (deleted Prosilver icons that Pages used)
My "test" update from 3.1 to 3.2-a1 went badly because I had these extensions installed that were considered broken once 3.2 loaded. That poses a problem for the phpBB community. How will users know what extensions they need to uninstall before the update, and which need updating before they can reinstall them in 3.2? :?
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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by Nicofuma »

I'm gonna repeat myself: it's the first alpha. Not everything is expected to work out of the box. The goal of the alpha is to let you able to test things and tell us (create tickets) for everything wrong. Including BC problems. So please don't cry or debate but report problems (create tickets)... (and why not fox them yourself if you know how to fix it)
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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by david63 »

Thanks Rich for saying what I have been coming round to thinking for the last couple of days and what most extension developers will think once they become aware of the situation.

One of the big "selling points" of 3.1 was that of extensions and that they would, in most cases, be compatible with future versions. My own experience is that many 3.1 extensions (not only mine but others that I have looked at) are not compatible with 3.2.

If extensions need to be updated for 3.2 then there needs to be a "fast track" procedure set up whereby validated extensions can be submitted to the CDB and validated before 3.2 is released so that when it is released so can the updated extensions. It is totally unacceptable for boards to be upgraded only to find that the extensions that are installed will not be available for several months.

With the extension situation being the way that it is for 3.2 I am coming round to the way of thinking that all extensions should be disabled and users told in clear unambiguous language of the situation and not to re-enable them until they are sure that they are compatible - not that it will stop many from re-enabling their extensions with the fallout being on extension developers/support team.

In order for extension developers to prepare for this they need to be informed of the situation now and given a reasonably firm date when they need to have a compatible version of their extensions ready by, bearing in mind that some extension developers do also have a life outside of phpBB.

Getting this wrong has the potential to destroy phpBB as a credible product and as a consequence the user base will decline significantly.
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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by SalazarAG »

Wow, I am quite shocked by the discussion: lol:

If there is no way to know which extensions are not compatible with phpBB 3.2, it is better the owners of forums do not upgrade to this future version.

Particularly, it would be at 3.1x to have an answer of what can and what can not this new version.

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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by Nicofuma »

Should I repeat myself again? ...
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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by david63 »

Nicofuma wrote: Mon Nov 30, 2015 8:35 amShould I repeat myself again? ...
Sorry but I thought that this was a forum.

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A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged:
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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by Nicofuma »

It's a place where different view can be exchanged on an issue yes. But only when there is an issue to debate.
And here there is isn't anything to debate, we are talking about the issues of the first ALPHA release.
The forum is not the place to report the issues of a release, that's the goal of the (issues?) tracker.
You aren't debating anything here, you are saying it is outrageous that the FIRST ALPHA is breaking something.
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