Please note all explanations in this post should include:
- At least 1 use-case
- Preferably an extension/MOD that exists that might make use of it (optional)
- What it could be used for
- Why should it have those parameters and that location
Create a ticket with the title
[Template] Identifier
Then it should include the following information:
Code: Select all
Prosilver Location (if applicable):
Subsilver Location (if applicable):
If it is only in subsilver then the subsilver location should be used (as hooks don't have to be in both styles).
How to request an acp template event:
Create a ticket with the title
[ACP Template] Identifier
Then it should include the following information:
Code: Select all
Create a ticket with the title
[PHP] Identifier
Then it should include the following information:
Code: Select all
For e.g.core.viewtopic_postrow
for postrow in viewtopic.phpReview Process:
After being posted it will be reviewed to check it would work ok and then someone will either implement it for you or you can submit a patch for it.
The patch will then be reviewed by someone who cannot be the original suggester or implementer. It will then be merged by a developer.
Adding events:
You can add the events yourself (via submitting a PR) or by creating a ticket and then someone might come along and do it for you.
Once a PR is submitted it will be reviewed and merged by the development team / events reviewers.