[Readme] How to request an event

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[Readme] How to request an event

Post by MichaelC »

Events are hook locations/ledges. For more information about them and how to add them please take a look at the wiki events and listeners category.

Please note all explanations in this post should include:
  • At least 1 use-case
  • Preferably an extension/MOD that exists that might make use of it (optional)
  • What it could be used for
  • Why should it have those parameters and that location
How to request a template event:
Create a ticket with the title [Template] Identifier

Then it should include the following information:

Code: Select all

Prosilver Location (if applicable):
Subsilver Location (if applicable):
The identifier should be formatted as prosilver location file followed by a descriptor. For e.g.
If it is only in subsilver then the subsilver location should be used (as hooks don't have to be in both styles).

How to request an acp template event:
Create a ticket with the title [ACP Template] Identifier

Then it should include the following information:

Code: Select all

How to request a core event:
Create a ticket with the title [PHP] Identifier

Then it should include the following information:

Code: Select all

The identifier should be formatted as a general descriptor (preferably the function if its in one; possibly followed by a descriptor if there are more than one event in the function). All core events are prefixed by core. For e.g.
core.viewtopic_postrow for postrow in viewtopic.php

Review Process:
After being posted it will be reviewed to check it would work ok and then someone will either implement it for you or you can submit a patch for it.

The patch will then be reviewed by someone who cannot be the original suggester or implementer. It will then be merged by a developer.

Adding events:
You can add the events yourself (via submitting a PR) or by creating a ticket and then someone might come along and do it for you.
Once a PR is submitted it will be reviewed and merged by the development team / events reviewers.
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