Location: /includes/ucp/ucp_pm_compose.php (after
)Parameters: 'msg_id', 'to_user_id', 'to_group_id', 'submit', 'preview', 'action', 'delete', 'reply_to_all'
Explanation: Allow Extensions to modify the default vars before composing a PM. The current events are only called if $sql != '' (which would be false in the case of posting a new PM). Example code:
Code: Select all
// A new permission that allows users to reply to PMs, but not compose new ones
public function ucp_pm_compose_alter_vars($event)
$action = $event['action'];
if ($action == 'post' && !$this->auth->acl_get('u_post_pm'))
throw new \phpbb\exception\http_exception(403, 'NOT_AUTHORISED');
Ticket: https://tracker.phpbb.com/browse/PHPBB3-13637