remove childish Reset button

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remove childish Reset button

Post by emosbat »

the only thing this button do is confusing new internet user that try register in forum.

this is only useful in submiting forms with lot of items in exam forms! so user could clear all field quickly and try again in less time! but in a register form, a new user with low experience may click on it when fill all important data like username and password, and when see nothing happen then click on register button and see errors. it is not useful at all in such forms.

this happen in other forms like avatar upload too.

it is better to replace it with another button linked to first page or completely remove it.

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Re: remove childish Reset button

Post by nickvergessen »

I agree, that these kind of buttons are not used a lot anymore, so I tend to agree
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Re: remove childish Reset button

Post by DavidIQ »

Is the title of this RFC representative of what the ticket and PR will also say? :roll: There's nothing "childish" about the button... Useless or not needed maybe. This sort of thing is how discussions here degenerate to borderline useless.

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Re: remove childish Reset button

Post by MattF »

Reset buttons are indeed un-used. But it's not worth the effort of removing now, as it's in a ton of files, and removing it now will break consistency with all the extensions that have been using them too, leading to a sloppy user experience.

I think it's smarter to remove them during a thought-out refresh/redesign of the ACP, if/when that ever happens. Then we could have bigger, better and more consistent looking submit buttons (and label them "Save" or "Apply" too ;) ).
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Re: remove childish Reset button

Post by Pony99CA »

VSE wrote: I think it's smarter to remove them during a thought-out refresh/redesign of the ACP, if/when that ever happens. Then we could have bigger, better and more consistent looking submit buttons (and label them "Save" or "Apply" too ;) ).
I think that the OP was talking about user-facing buttons (like the registration page). Why would those have to wait for the ACP?

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Re: remove childish Reset button

Post by MattF »

It's hard to tell what the OP was meaning. But outside of the ACP, there are a few places where they could be removed now, from Prosilver. True, they don't need to be on reg, search, MCP and UCP.

But the reality is Prosilver and the ACP could use a button overhaul, which would be the right time to remove them. The button overhaul has begun somewhat in Prosilver, with new post buttons, new thread and mod tool buttons and the new topic buttons. I'm not sure why Form buttons have not been overhauled yet.

Something like:
Screen Shot 2015-02-20 at 10.14.58 PM.png
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