[RFC] Quote image as thumbnail

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[RFC] Quote image as thumbnail

Post by Dragosvr92 »

Quoting an image on its full size uses extra screen size and also adds more scroll time to show us something we have already seen.. Especially if the image gets quoted multiple times on the same page. I propose we shrink the image to an image-thumbnail level that still shows us exactly what the quoted image is about, but on a smaller scale. If people want to see it on full size, they can always right click and view the image on its full size.

All of this can be done with a single css property... blockquote img {max-height: 200px;}

In my ticket, i suggested we resize the quoted image size to 200px. It seems to be fair enough size. Not very large but decent enough. If the users or the devs consider it should be of another size, its fine by me. It can be any size, just have it smaller, and not fill the entire screen with it.

https://area51.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopi ... 21#p272521
Last edited by Dragosvr92 on Tue Jan 13, 2015 4:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [RFC] Quote image as thumbnail

Post by MattF »

This is a perfect candidate for an extension (a super easy one too). Otherwise it would mean (even) more ACP options so we could at least turn this off if we don't want it.

That's the point of extensions, to tweak phpBB so it can behave in ways that some may prefer over normal behavior.

Modifying quoted content, in this case thumbnailing images in quotes, is just something subjective that you seem to want. You shouldn't try to impose what you want on everybody else (not just phpBB admins, but users as well). Especially with something like this which so clearly could be a simple extension for phpBB. As an extension, you would get the behavior you want, while normal behavior can be maintained for the rest of the world.

Try making a request for this feature in the phpbb.com Ext Requests forum. As you noted (and this is the corrected way, by the way), all an extension would need to do is add a CSS property for blockquote .postimage {max-width:200px; max-height:200px;}.
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Re: [RFC] Quote image as thumbnail

Post by Dragosvr92 »

I sincerely do not believe this has to be an extension, but a core feature.
I did not suggest adding an acp option in my RFC because I cannot see the need on providing an acp field to change the setting for this.
We here, can decide on a standard size that we can apply.

All we are doing is shrinking the image. Why would anyone want a quoted image at full size?

I provided reasons why leaving it the way it is inconvenient because it uses extra screen space and adds lots of extra scrolling.
We should avoid that and spend less time on scrolling and instead move on to the next post faster.

As i've told you in the tracker discussion, standards change for the better, even if it sometimes takes us time to accept them and get used to the changes. phpbb also had large images cut in half for decades as it couldnt simply resize them with css. Until the release of 3.1. We cal also make use of this new css feature in quotes.

I am not imposing anything, i am simply submitting a RFC as anyone would, with something i believe would be helpful to the core.
The users are who decide if my suggestion is worthwhile or not.
VSE wrote:As you noted (and this is the corrected way, by the way), all an extension would need to do is add a CSS property for blockquote .postimage {max-width:200px; max-height:200px;}.
Actually, there is no need for the max-width because it gets ignored as it is overridden by the same attribute. The class you are suggesting might be more recommended though as it affects the image class... but it makes no real difference.
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Re: [RFC] Quote image as thumbnail

Post by Louis7777 »


Because it's only a style change, it's a really small one, and it can be turned on/off by commenting out the CSS. And because I agree with the: "Why would anyone want a quoted image at full size?"

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Re: [RFC] Quote image as thumbnail

Post by Khaos-Rage »

Louis7777 wrote: "Why would anyone want a quoted image at full size?"

Why would anyone want to have to click an image to see it at full size?

Also it scales with the page anyway so its not "full size" to begin with.

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Re: [RFC] Quote image as thumbnail

Post by Louis7777 »

Khaos-Rage wrote: Why would anyone want to have to click an image to see it at full size?
No one would. It's at full size in the original post.

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Re: [RFC] Quote image as thumbnail

Post by leschek »

Louis7777 wrote:It's at full size in the original post.
It's not. Change width of your browser and look on image in the first post (it changes size).

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Re: [RFC] Quote image as thumbnail

Post by Louis7777 »

leschek wrote: It's not. Change width of your browser and look on image in the first post (it changes size).
Yes, so? If you don't play with the width then it's full.

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Re: [RFC] Quote image as thumbnail

Post by Dragosvr92 »

You are just playing with words...
By full size, i meant the full size displayed in posts. Scaling considered.
I already explained multiple times why it shouldnt be shown at fullsize, just pay a closer attention.

Why would you need to admire the quoted image at the full-image-post size multiple times if you already saw it the first time, at the fullsize and you can also see what it stands for from the small thumbnail? I only mentioned the right click because you can.... see it at the actual fullsize, same like you need to do now also, as images are scaled to match the post width.
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Re: [RFC] Quote image as thumbnail

Post by DavidIQ »

I have to agree with those against this as I don't really see the point. When you quote a post with an image the image is automatically scaled down because there is less space for it. Quote it multiple times and the image just keeps getting automatically scaled down. Setting an arbitrary min or max width or height seems like a step backwards from the flexibility we already have.

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