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Post by developer11 »

Lets start from beginning.....

One downloads, unzips and send to ftp. Then - installation process, and landing page of new, clean, forum. Login, then another to ACP, and usual stuff like creating forums, cores, etc. And lastly - permissions.....ACP > Permissions, and here it disaster. everything is as messed as one can imagine. No common sense when it comes to design (not to mention functionality of this tab).

I strongly recommend redesigning this page ASAP. Exemplary layouts below:

S1: Page as a table. From up to the bottom. <UserName> | <Rank> | <Permissions as radio elements> | Save, Apply, Cancel
S2: Page as a table. From up to the bottom. <UserName>, <currentGroup>, <setPermission as a docked table 3x3 and Read/Write/Roam>, Save, Apply, Cancel

In both cases pressing Save will trigger querry script resulting in change(s) being written to database. One row = one user. Page groupless, userlist sorted alphabetically.
This is not hard to do, It just comes down to permission panel being rewritten from scratch. Its not much.

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Re: Permissions

Post by Pony99CA »

First, I'm not sure what "total disaster" means. Yes, permissions could be organized better (and I have suggested that). However, I suspect that you mean something more drastic, but vague terms like "disaster" don't help.

Second, you do realize that you can change group permissions (the preferable way, actually), right? Your examples seem to imply that you only change permissions for individual users.

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