Another thing to think about if we don't want to use a template abstraction layer, is how far we want to go in conforming prosilver to the desired new template structure. I agree that reorganizing the prosilver templates could be done, but whether we want to split it up in components as well would determine how much work it is.
For instance, this is a list of all the hard-coded templates in the core (
excluding all the UCP/MCP modules):
Code: Select all
"faq_body.html" : "faq.html.twig",
"index_body.html" : "index.html.twig",
"report_body.html" : "report.html.twig",
"search_body.html" : "search_form.html.twig",
"search_results.html" : "search_results.html.twig",
"viewforum_body.html": "viewforum.html.twig",
"viewonline_body.html" : "viewonline.html.twig",
"viewonline_whois.html" : "___.html.twig",
"viewtopic_body.html" : "viewtopic.html.twig",
"viewtopic_print.html" : "___.html.twig",
"memberlist_body.html" : "members.html.twig",
"memberlist_im.html" : "___.html.twig",
"memberlist_team.html" : "team.html.twig",
"memberlist_view.html" : "viewprofile.html.twig",
"memberlist_email.html" : "___.html.twig",
"mcp_front.html" : "mcp/index.html.twig",
"mcp_move.html" : "___.html.twig",
"mcp_approve.html" : "___.html.twig",
"ucp_main_front.html" : "ucp/index.html.twig",
"ucp_agreement.html" : "___.html.twig",
"ucp_avatar_options_gravatar.html" : "___.html.twig",
"ucp_avatar_options_local.html" : "___.html.twig",
"ucp_avatar_options_remote.html" : "___.html.twig",
"ucp_avatar_options_upload.html" : "___.html.twig",
"confirm_body.html" : "___.html.twig",
"confirm_delete_body.html" : "___.html.twig",
"login_body.html" : "___.html.twig",
"login_forum.html" : "___.html.twig",
"message_body.html" : "___.html.twig",
"posting_body.html" : "posting.html.twig",
"bbcode.html" : "includes/bbcode.html.twig",
"attachment.html" : "___.html.twig",
"posting_smilies.html" : "___.html.twig",
"posting_progress_bar.html" : "___.html.twig",
"captcha_default.html" : "___.html.twig",
"captcha_qa.html" : "___.html.twig",
"captcha_recaptcha.html" : "___.html.twig",
"auth_provider_ldap.html" : "___.html.twig",
"auth_provider_oauth.html" : "___.html.twig",
"login_body_oauth.html" : "___.html.twig",
"ucp_auth_link_oauth.html" : "___.html.twig"
These files could indeed just be renamed in prosilver (and put in the appropriate subdirs), without necessarily being split up in components. But this would inevitably create a disparity between the prosilver structure and any new style.