[PHP] modify_text_before_edit

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[PHP] modify_text_before_edit

Post by blueace »

Code: Select all

Identifer: modify_text_before_edit
Location: in posting.php, before // MAIN POSTING PAGE BEGINS HERE
Parameters: post_data
Explanation: to modify post text before to put it in the edit windows
Further explanation : for an RPG forum, I made a SECRET bbcode to be able to put a message in a post that only specific person will be able to read.
The problem is that if someone does a quote of that post, he had access to all the bbcode of the previous message.
Think it will be interested to be able to parse the text of a (quoted post) before to put it in the edit windows.

Code: Select all

$vars = array('post_data');
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.modify_text_before_edit', compact($vars)));


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