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I'm not sure if a "like" feature is needed , maybe as an extension for those who want it. There are people who keep asking Twitter to have a "like" option as well. If every type of social media has a "like" option won't they all be Facebook clones?
"Life Is What Happens To You When You Are Busy Making Other Plans" - John Lennon
Unlike phpBB, liking on Facebook is primarily about propagating posts through social reach, so negative or dislike has no function in Facebook. But phpBB posts, sort of like YouTube videos, should have like and dislike to more accurately represent what the community thinks about a given post or topic
VSE wrote:Unlike phpBB, liking on Facebook is primarily about propagating posts through social reach, so negative or dislike has no function in Facebook. But phpBB posts, sort of like YouTube videos, should have like and dislike to more accurately represent what the community thinks about a given post or topic
Karma plus reputation system for Quality posts? +1
Here you are discussing about two different things: Flags and ratings.
I understand "likes" as flags. Flags are individual marks you can place on any object/content. This applies to "bookmarks", "thanks", "likes", "+1s", "pins" or whatever you may call it. These flags can only be positive, because they serve the only purpose to be counted and/or listed.
On the other hand, I understand "like/dislike" feature as a rating, like the one you have on phpBB's Ideas section. Ratings can be of many types (five stars, ten points, percentage), and one of them is "positive/negative". You can use this "+1/-1" rating to show the results in many different ways: Total positives, total negatives, both, or combined (combined=positives-negatives).
In this case, as this is proposed to be included in phpBB core, I would go for the simple flag option: "likes". That's the way other forums and websites work, including the ones mentioned in the first post (IPB, Xenforo, VB, etc.).
Adding negative votes or "dislikes" seems more appropriate for a different extension, maybe a post-ratings one with several rating options(+/-, stars, etc.).
regarding this "Post by mrgtb » Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:43 pm", which hits the point exactly - is there something new to rate the postings with thump up, a + or heart or anything which makes this board more attractive? I'm honest ... and this feature is pretty overdue in the nearly end of 2016(!)
mrgtb wrote: Mon Jul 07, 2014 2:43 pm
No, not a reputation system. Well... it's kind of the same thing in a way. But this is the mod I meant which is more inline with how it works for vB, IPB, BB and XenForo. In a way it's a more basic type of reputation system, but brought into post displayed how many LIKED it, so it's more obvious to see ratings on posts given. Whereas the old reputation type systems had it hidden away on the likes of vBulletin and MyBB "not displayed in posts like this now", so it never got seen as being a useful feature like now and people use it a lot becuase it's a simply case of clicking a LIKE in a post, or DISLIKE/LIKE that shows an image, counter or text.
It came from Facebook first and XenForo was the first to do it, then the rest all followed suit adding it, because it proved very popular feature with XenForo users.
It will not be in 3.2 either. Extensions are easy to install however and one exists for this feature. Takes all of 1-2 minutes of your time to upload and enable one.