Thanks to PayBas for leading me to post this here from my topic in phpBB3.1 Extension Discussion ... &t=2248871
I have searched and am unable to find a similar topic and this feature is so important to me and several friends.
So ....
We use a 3.0 modification written by the great Tumba called "Forum Sort Order"
Mods database link ---> ... ort_order/
We require the feature to sort topics in forums by "Topic Time" so no mater how many people post in a topic it wont get bumped to the top of the list. We list the topics by date order to make it very easy to see which topics are new in a chronological order.Description
Adds topic time in UCP > Board preferences and viewtopic > Sort by.
Also adds Forum default to UCP > Board preferences and makes this default for all users.
Adds "Default topic list order:" to ACP > Forums > Edit forum, this might be overridden by the settings in UCP.
Adds possibility to override user sort settings in some forums.
Topic Time sort order is used in forums where the topic information needs to be in a date sensitive order
Post Time sort order is used n normal discussion type forums where each new reply bumps the topic to the top of the page.
We set time sensitive topic forums as default "topic time" sort order in the ACP but give the users the option to sort however they please.
We set discussion type forums as default "post time" sort order like all forums here are now but give the user the option to sort however the please.
I don't think they would ever make this core functionality but 7177 downloaders cant be wrong that this function is needed.
Anyone who would like to give this extension a go or any comments on the subject would be GREATLY appreciated as it would be the only thing stopping me upgrading to phpBB 3.1
Thank you very much in advance!