How does 3.1 handle image attachments?

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Re: How does 3.1 handle image attachments?

Post by DavidIQ »

Ah...well no I'm not seeing that then. Maybe clear your cache or refresh? Does it do this on the stock browser, if it's not Chrome (AOSP-type systems use Chrome I believe)? How about a different browser?

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Re: How does 3.1 handle image attachments?

Post by Louis7777 »

I was using Chrome with cleared cache.

I tried just now with the stock browser and Firefox for Android and it's fine.

So I can't figure out what's wrong with my Chrome. Since no one else sees it, let's ignore it.

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Re: How does 3.1 handle image attachments?

Post by FloFlo91 »

I got the same issue on my Nexus 4, with Android 4.4 and Chrome Browser.

Tried in Firefox for Android, and I do not have the horizontal scrollbar but I can scroll horizontaly the picture (like Chrome).

So there is a probleme with the borders of the picture I guess.
We have a max-width of 99% and 8px of padding (6px + 2px of borders) so 4px in the left and 4px in the right.

So I don't know where this problem comes from. It's a little bit hard to fix a mobile issue in the browser. I don't remember how to display a mobile view on a chrome or firefox desktop.

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Re: How does 3.1 handle image attachments?

Post by MattF »

To be clear:

The issue with an attached image is known, and a fix has already been proposed.

What Louis7777 has been talking about for these past 2 pages is an issue that seems limited to him and has NOT to do with images, but with the post content area itself presenting a scroll bar.
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