[RFC] Define max-width for prosilver

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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by Sumanai »

hanakin wrote:

Code: Select all

      font-size: 1.8em; /* 18px */
16px enough, IMHO.
However, this subject is about max-width, and should not be discussing clutter up font size. Need now set the maximum width and merge pull request.
Sorry for my English.

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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by KurtisC »


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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by naderman »

I agree entirely with hanakin's latest proposal. Would you still include the borders with a grayer background for the large desktops with that @hanakin?

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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by naderman »

As just discussed on IRC I do however think we should split it into two PRs, one for the max-width and one for the font size changes, so we can evaluate these independently. Maybe we need a more general approach to a larger font size on bigger screens than just for this one particular area, but I do agree it is needed.

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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by callumacrae »

Sumanai wrote:
hanakin wrote:

Code: Select all

      font-size: 1.8em; /* 18px */
16px enough, IMHO.
However, this subject is about max-width, and should not be discussing clutter up font size. Need now set the maximum width and merge pull request.
16px is a minimum.

http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2011/10 ... y-mistake/

Every read that article please, it's good and explains why just because you can read it, not everyone can. Since that article was written it's actually become fashionable to have even bigger font sizes.
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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by nickvergessen »

Please do not discuss the font-size here, it's a separate issue and should therefor have it's own topic.
Thanks :)
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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by hanakin »

naderman wrote:As just discussed on IRC I do however think we should split it into two PRs, one for the max-width and one for the font size changes, so we can evaluate these independently. Maybe we need a more general approach to a larger font size on bigger screens than just for this one particular area, but I do agree it is needed.
I do agree that their are related areas that should get a similar treatment such as PMs and search. In fact the entire font system really needs rebased, and I have been working on something but its not an easy endeavor as font-sizes and line-heights throughout the entire theme are all em based on top of a 10px base size which is bad practice and leads to infinitely scaling content when it comes to inheritance, but I would hold something of that to a new theme for 3.2.

as for the border I am not sure it is really required to fix the core issues as long as the background is not pure white. You are just introducing sugar only a select few will see and opens things up for more debate in the long run taking more effort away from new endeavors as VSE pointed out on IRC.
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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by callumacrae »

hanakin wrote:In fact the entire font system really needs rebased, and I have been working on something but its not an easy endeavor as font-sizes and line-heights throughout the entire theme are all em based on top of a 10px base size which is bad practice and leads to infinitely scaling content when it comes to inheritance, but I would hold something of that to a new theme for 3.2.
That's bad practice? That's the entire point in ems! I think you're missing it ;-)
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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by hanakin »

callumacrae wrote:
hanakin wrote:In fact the entire font system really needs rebased, and I have been working on something but its not an easy endeavor as font-sizes and line-heights throughout the entire theme are all em based on top of a 10px base size which is bad practice and leads to infinitely scaling content when it comes to inheritance, but I would hold something of that to a new theme for 3.2.
That's bad practice? That's the entire point in ems! I think you're missing it ;-)
No its a bad practice to use ems because the scaling is compounded which is not desired. The desired result is that its scaled of the root which is where rem comes into the mix.
http://snook.ca/archives/html_and_css/f ... e-with-rem

If thats not enough of a pain in the ass to work with prosilver also has ems for the line-heights which is just crazy as these not only compound themselves but also based on the compounded size of the font for that child. This is why a unit-less line-height is preferable as it scales based on the root size
http://csswizardry.com/2012/02/pragmati ... ng-in-css/

also with unit-less line-heights we get better cross-browser control over the size of elements & objects based on our content by using the line-height to set the height rather than the height property with border-box
csswizardry wrote: Heights should never be be applied to elements. Heights should only be applied to things which had dimensions before they entered the site (i.e. images and sprites). Never ever set heights on ps, uls, divs, anything. You can often achieve the desired effect with line-height which is far more flexible.
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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by MattF »

I want to propose f2f2f2 as the BG color instead of the blue-white that was just merged (which is eye straining to me). The nice thing about f2f2f2 is it is non-colorized and still light enough to maintain low contrast, just the right blend of contrast I think. By the way I used color scheming tools to arrive at this color, based on the other colors in pro silver.

Using #f2f2f2 for bg:
testf2f2f2.png (91.59 KiB) Viewed 591 times
What was recently merged:
ff0134fc-02b8-11e4-8ed3-cf746ceddb95.png (90.89 KiB) Viewed 591 times
Has an irascible disposition.
