Please note that you're posting on the development board for phpBB and not the support forum. The post you linked to is in an archive forum and was a Temporary forum to obtain support while is offline (from its description). You will receive more/prompt support if you ask your question in the proper location on
need to get in touch with Raimon please
Forum rules
Please do not post any "phpBB" specific topics here unless they do not fit into the category above.
Do not post bug reports, feature or support requests! No really... Do not post bug reports, feature or support requests! Doing so will make Bertie a very sad bear indeed. :(
Please do not post any "phpBB" specific topics here unless they do not fit into the category above.
Do not post bug reports, feature or support requests! No really... Do not post bug reports, feature or support requests! Doing so will make Bertie a very sad bear indeed. :(