Identifer: core.grab_profile_fields_data
Location: phpbb/profile_fields/manager.php
Parameters: 'user_ids', 'field_data'
Explanation: This location is useful, because it will allow us to use the raw CPF data, and process it in other scripts. My example is this: a user fills in a gaming-character name in a special CPF. When the data is retrieved from the database (grab), a script will check to see if the data is valid (custom validation), and retrieve the character information from a remote server and store it in a local database table. In addition, it will automatically be cached in the "$this->profile_cache" by phpBB.
Identifer: core.generate_profile_fields_template_data
Location: phpbb/profile_fields/manager.php
Parameters: 'profile_row', 'tpl_fields'
Explanation: This location is useful, because it will allow us to modify the output of the CPF data (show). My example is this: based on the CPF values of a user, a special avatar is generated, or a special icon, or text color.
[PHP] Add Events to phpbb\profilefields\manager (grab & show)
[PHP] Add Events to phpbb\profilefields\manager (grab & show)
Last edited by PayBas on Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: [PHP] Add Events to phpbb\profilefields\manager (grab & show)
Additionally, I would like to request the inclusion of a new template field in phpbb/profile_fields/manager.php:
'PROFILE_' . strtoupper($ident) . '_VALUEID'=> $ident_ary['value']
'PROFILE_FIELD_VALUEID' => $ident_ary['value']
Why? Because when you have a CPF that is a dropdown, it can be very handy to be able to simply use the entry ID instead of the corresponding language value.
apple (1)
pear (2)
orange (3)
If you want to use this in a template you would use <!-- IF PROFILE_FRUIT_VALUE == "apple" --> make something green <!-- ENDIF -->
Being able to simply use the entry ID would be much better in some situations.
'PROFILE_' . strtoupper($ident) . '_VALUEID'=> $ident_ary['value']
'PROFILE_FIELD_VALUEID' => $ident_ary['value']
Why? Because when you have a CPF that is a dropdown, it can be very handy to be able to simply use the entry ID instead of the corresponding language value.
apple (1)
pear (2)
orange (3)
If you want to use this in a template you would use <!-- IF PROFILE_FRUIT_VALUE == "apple" --> make something green <!-- ENDIF -->
Being able to simply use the entry ID would be much better in some situations.
Last edited by PayBas on Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.