I think there is still room to improve here. I'm not a fan of the latest changes.
- I miss having Both the Disable and Delete options available at the same time. Now it's a 2-step process to uninstall.
- The "Disable" function is a little problematic, inelegant. If I disable an extension, then you are left with artifacts from it, such as raw language vars if it has ACP/UCP/MCP modules i.e.: {MY_EXTENSION_TITLE} will show up in your ACP where its module used to be. This gives the impression of something broken (I can already see the support topics flooding in about this to all extension authors). Disabling should make the extension's footprint totally disappear for the user experience...not leave behind footprints.
- Also, and this is a BLOCKER type issue: If you have an extension with modules in the ACP_CAT_DOT_MODS tab, and you disable the extension, the ACP_CAT_DOT_MODS page is totally broken, preventing access to any other still-enabled extensions that may also have their settings on that same ACP_CAT_DOT_MODS page! This condition occurs when the extension that was disabled is also the first or top-level module on that page. I'm sure this means it could happen on any ACP/UCP/MCP page depending on whether the extension's module is placed at the top of the modules tree. (Gonna make a ticket for this issue now: