[RFC] Gradually switch to TWIG template syntax

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Re: [RFC] Gradually switch to TWIG template syntax

Post by DavidIQ »

If we don't transition anything at all then what was the point of merging the TWIG engine into phpBB? That being said if this is going to hold back 3.1 then I would say leave it for a subsequent release, maybe an RC. I don't see why this should either hold back the Alpha release nor why it could not be included in a Release Candidate. It would be great if the full switch can happen before 3.1 comes out of RC status.

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Re: [RFC] Gradually switch to TWIG template syntax

Post by EXreaction »

The move to Twig was primarily because our template engine was not maintainable and really buggy. There were critical issues that were difficult, if not impossible to fix on our old template engine because of how it was designed.

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Re: [RFC] Gradually switch to TWIG template syntax

Post by Pony99CA »

DavidIQ wrote:If we don't transition anything at all then what was the point of merging the TWIG engine into phpBB?
So that people writing new styles for phpBB 3.1 could use TWIG? I suspect that people are going to have enough problems porting their MODs to extensions and they won't want to worry about changing template systems.

However, I presume that if somebody writing an extension is familiar with TWIG, they can use TWIG in their style extensions, right?
DavidIQ wrote:That being said if this is going to hold back 3.1 then I would say leave it for a subsequent release, maybe an RC.
I agree. Switching can probably wait until 3.2. Maybe the responsive ProSilver style can use TWIG, too.

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Re: [RFC] Gradually switch to TWIG template syntax

Post by DavidIQ »

Pony99CA wrote:However, I presume that if somebody writing an extension is familiar with TWIG, they can use TWIG in their style extensions, right?
Yes that will be fine and encouraged.

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