Doctrine ORM

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Re: Doctrine ORM

Post by JoshyPHP »

I'll echo Pony99CA's sentiment that it's not immediately obvious what using Doctrine ORM would mean in concrete terms. Here's an example: let's say that I'm rewriting the mod tools and I want to move post #1 from topic #2 in forum #3 to topic #4 in forum #5, what would be the PHP code for doing just that?

I for one am not an expert at separating entities from models. I don't know who in MichaelC's vision for a phpBB ORM would be responsible for updating post counts (both topic and forum), last/first post data, and possibly deleting topic #2 if it becomes empty. And this is assuming that entities and models are kept separate, and that using Doctrine's ORM means using models.

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Re: Doctrine ORM

Post by MichaelC »

You don't seem to understand entities and models. Read through and then ... lowed.html

Anyway, due to some other reasons (which I'll post later) I'll drop this RFC but I'm just waiting for the post order to be fixed.
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Re: Doctrine ORM

Post by JoshyPHP »

As I said, I don't know much about entities and models. What I know is people, and how people always have a slightly different interpretation of everything (see MVC ten years ago.) I had hoped you'd describe what you wanted to do with any level of technical detail rather than rely on extremely vague statements and rudely dismiss people's queries with replies that amount to little more than "just Google it."

Anyway, it's all moot now.

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