From the Karma Extension Design Document Draft:
Identifier: viewtopic_body_post_buttons_after
Prosilver Location: viewtopic_body.html inside the <ul class="profile-icons"> containing the quote button
Subsilver Location: viewtopic_body.html at the end of the line containing QUOTE_IMG right before " </div></td>"
Explanation: Used by the karma extension to add thumbs up/down icons that allow users to give karma on posts.
Identifier: viewtopic_body_post_buttons_before
Prosilver Location: viewtopic_body.html inside the <ul class="profile-icons"> containing the quote button
Subsilver Location: viewtopic_body.html near the beginning of the line containing QUOTE_IMG right after "<div class="gensmall" style="float: {S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN};"> "
Explanation: Per suggestion of nickvergessen, add a counterpart for every append or prepend event.
Identifier: viewtopic_body_postrow_custom_fields_before
Prosilver Location: viewtopic_body.html before "<!-- BEGIN custom_fields -->"
Subsilver Location: viewtopic_body.html before "<!-- BEGIN custom_fields -->"
Explanation: Used by the karma extension to add a karma score indication that allows users to see how respected the post author is.
Identifier: viewtopic_body_postrow_custom_fields_after
Prosilver Location: viewtopic_body.html after "<!-- END custom_fields -->"
Subsilver Location: viewtopic_body.html after "<!-- END custom_fields -->"
Explanation: Per suggestion of nickvergessen, add a counterpart for every append or prepend event.
Identifier: memberlist_view_user_statistics_before
Prosilver Location: memberlist_view.html inside <dl class="details"> in <div class="column2">
Subsilver Location: memberlist_view.html inside the <table> containing L_JOINED
Explanation: Used by the karma extension to add a karma score indication that allows other users to see how respected this user is. Prepend because karma score is often a more meaningful statistic than the bottom statistics (like "Most active topic"), and should therefore be more prominent.
Identifier: memberlist_view_user_statistics_after
Prosilver Location: memberlist_view.html inside <dl class="details"> in <div class="column2">
Subsilver Location: memberlist_view.html inside the <table> containing L_JOINED
Explanation: Per suggestion of nickvergessen, add a counterpart for every append or prepend event.
Identifier: ucp_pm_viewmessage_custom_fields_before
Prosilver Location: ucp_pm_viewmessage.html before "<!-- BEGIN custom_fields -->"
Subsilver Location: [not available in subsilver due to different pm layout]
Explanation: Used by the karma extension to add a karma score indication that allows users to see how respected the pm sender is.
Identifier: ucp_pm_viewmessage_custom_fields_after
Prosilver Location: ucp_pm_viewmessage.html after "<!-- END custom_fields -->"
Subsilver Location: [not available in subsilver due to different pm layout]
Explanation: Per suggestion of nickvergessen, add a counterpart for every append or prepend event.
Identifier: memberlist_body_username_append
Prosilver Location: memberlist_body.html right after "{memberrow.USERNAME_FULL}"
Subsilver Location: memberlist_body.html right after "{memberrow.USERNAME_FULL}"
Explanation: Used by the karma extension to add a karma score indication that allows other users to see how respected every listed user is.
Identifier: memberlist_body_username_prepend
Prosilver Location: memberlist_body.html right before "{memberrow.USERNAME_FULL}"
Subsilver Location: memberlist_body.html right before "{memberrow.USERNAME_FULL}"
Explanation: Per suggestion of nickvergessen, add a counterpart for every append or prepend event.
[Template] Multiple events required for the karma extension
These requests for events in core phpBB have been merged into 3.1/Ascraeus and will be available with the next release.
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