[RFC] Private board

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[RFC] Private board

Post by Kamahl19 »


this is my first RFC so please let me know if I am doing something wrong..

Now, admin can set permissions so that guests cant see forums and memberlist. However, this might be not enough for some communities. I know it, because many of my customers were admins of those highly private communities and they wanted complete lockout of the board unless guest logs in.

So my suggestion is to add new option to ACP for "Complete lockout" of the board. It means, when guest come to board, he sees only log in form and nothing else. Not even template, because it might be private too. There could be special template file for this log in page. When he logs in, it redirects him to whatever link he wanted to go, for example to specific topic.

I also have an example, it is board of my last client. He wanted board for owners of flats in the condominium - http://vinohradis.eu . As you can see, there is only log in form and Registration button.

Do you think this is too specific to be implemented in phpbb? In my opinion it is not, there are many other specific things which are already implemented in phpbb.

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Re: [RFC] Private board

Post by DavidIQ »

I don't see anything suggested that isn't already possible in 3.0.x. You can make the board completely private by changing privs and access levels restricting access to everything. I've seen this done numerous times already.

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Re: [RFC] Private board

Post by bantu »

DavidIQ wrote:I don't see anything suggested that isn't already possible in 3.0.x. You can make the board completely private by changing privs and access levels restricting access to everything. I've seen this done numerous times already.
For example the following things are not completely private:
- Today's Birthdays
- Number of Topics
- Number of Users
- Number of Posts
- etc.

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Re: [RFC] Private board

Post by Kamahl19 »

Thats exactly what I mean.

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Re: [RFC] Private board

Post by Pony99CA »

While birthdays may be considered "private", why would anybody care if somebody saw the number of topics, users or posts? Besides, isn't there a permission to turn those off?

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Re: [RFC] Private board

Post by Kamahl19 »

No there is not. There are forums which dont want to display even header, style etc.. Therefor I suggested simple login/register page without style and make this optional.

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Re: [RFC] Private board

Post by Pony99CA »

Kamahl19 wrote:
Pony99CA wrote:While birthdays may be considered "private", why would anybody care if somebody saw the number of topics, users or posts? Besides, isn't there a permission to turn those off?
No there is not.
OK, then maybe permissions to see/hide those need to be added.
Kamahl19 wrote:There are forums which dont want to display even header, style etc.. Therefor I suggested simple login/register page without style and make this optional.
This still seems very unlikely. Why wouldn't I want somebody to see my style? Most companies want people to know who they are. Even the example that you linked to had a header with a logo.

If you really don't want somebody to see anything, can't you create a style that hides everything and assign that style as the default for Anonymous?

If you want to add permissions to hide the previously mentioned items, I can support that. However, the RFC as written seems like a niche use case which I don't support.

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