What is the future of phpBB????

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What is the future of phpBB????

Post by rusty105 »

OK, I spent some time this morning searching around the site and haven't found a clear answer to a question I have, so I hope no one minds this one.

What is the future direction of phpBB? The forum "community" has changed in recent years, and many admins, including myself, are looking for a more complete package. One main feature that many are looking for is an integrated CMS. Not a bridge, but fully integrated into phpBB. So... is it in the works, or will phpBB stay a forum solution only?


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Re: What is the future of phpBB????

Post by Arty »

Community hasn't changed. Many people always wanted integrated CMS, some coders have created solutions for them such as phpNuke, phpBBFM, phpBB Plus, Icy Phoenix, etc.

phpBB is forum software and will probably always stay only forum software.

Trying to be everything is never a good idea. Just look at vBulletin as example - in 3.x it was a forum, 4.x and 5.x are trying to be everything and ended up being good at nothing and now people are running away from vBulletin like a plague.

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Re: What is the future of phpBB????

Post by rusty105 »

Arty wrote:Community hasn't changed. Many people always wanted integrated CMS, some coders have created solutions for them such as phpNuke, phpBBFM, phpBB Plus, Icy Phoenix, etc.

phpBB is forum software and will probably always stay only forum software.

Trying to be everything is never a good idea. Just look at vBulletin as example - in 3.x it was a forum, 4.x and 5.x are trying to be everything and ended up being good at nothing and now people are running away from vBulletin like a plague.
Please don't use vB as an example. They could ruin a sunny day :) IPB seems to have done it well, but costs. I think xF maybe headed in the direction of a CMS, eventually, I was just wondering if phpBB was going that way as well?`

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Re: What is the future of phpBB????

Post by DavidIQ »

With the implementation of extensions in 3.1 there really should be no reason why something like that wouldn't be Mae available either officially or from an extension author.

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Re: What is the future of phpBB????

Post by rusty105 »

DavidIQ wrote:With the implementation of extensions in 3.1 there really should be no reason why something like that wouldn't be Mae available either officially or from an extension author.
It has been a while since I have watched phpBB development, can you point me to a feature list for 3.1 and the future?

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Re: What is the future of phpBB????

Post by ForumsFaciles »


Have a look here: viewtopic.php?p=231163#p231163


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Re: What is the future of phpBB????

Post by code reader »

imo, this is like the tail wagging the dog.

my opinion is that it doesn't make sense to have a "forum with integrated cms". it does make tons of sense to have "cms with integrated forum".
when you look at it from this angle, such systems exist (the most prominent one is called wordpress, i think), and it's not very likely that some half-assed cms slapped on top of phpbb will fit the bill.

as to "the future of phpbb": i am not trolling here and not saying it to be a pest, but it is my impression that the development model of phpbb is fubar, and it will take a miracle for this system to have any "future".
there are tens or (more likely) hundreds of thousands of functioning existing phpbb3 (and even non-negligible number of phpbb2) forums out there, and they will most likely continue to function for years and years. my guess is that for most of them, the next upgrade, be it in two month or eight years, will not be to some future version of phpbb, but rather to a different system altogether.

this is not what i wish for - i'd love to see phpbb thrive, but this is my prediction.


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Re: What is the future of phpBB????

Post by sajaki »

Since phpbb3 is aiming to be based on symphony2, its best future lies in tight coupling with existing cms's like drupal, fork, symphonycms, alphalemon...

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Re: What is the future of phpBB????

Post by celinsmith111 »

PHPBB is good community and in future it get many new user.

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Re: What is the future of phpBB????

Post by Frug »

code reader wrote: as to "the future of phpbb": i am not trolling here and not saying it to be a pest, but it is my impression that the development model of phpbb is fubar, and it will take a miracle for this system to have any "future".
there are tens or (more likely) hundreds of thousands of functioning existing phpbb3 (and even non-negligible number of phpbb2) forums out there, and they will most likely continue to function for years and years. my guess is that for most of them, the next upgrade, be it in two month or eight years, will not be to some future version of phpbb, but rather to a different system altogether.

this is not what i wish for - i'd love to see phpbb thrive, but this is my prediction.
Sometimes I agree with this impression. As it stands I wouldn't be too negative because, as far as free forums go, phpbb is still the best imo. I do wonder if the need for legacy support will tie it down until it gets supplanted by something else, though.
Sometimes I facepalm at things I see in area51 but development is fubar? Why? Too slow?

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