Multiquote or saved quotes

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Multiquote or saved quotes

Post by Shayariel »

Hi again,
as I was reading another thread I had some posts I'd have liked to answer - but not without reading the rest of the thread. At the end I tried to remeber all posts I'd like to comment and well... there was something like this.. and somewhere else someone who told that... or something like bla...

So.... why not mark/quote while reading withoud sending an answer after an answer or use two tabs (I thought too late for this solution :evil: )
Just mark the quoting mark and save like a non permanent draft, visible like a quickreply while reading page for page until the end.

It would - hopefully - have also some advantage for a discussion. Less posts just saying the same as another post - after the commentet one, but before the own awnser. Then it would be easier to find 'new' arguments.

Well, but it could also be counterproductive - With the believing all things said no reason to say it. Or less mass-feedback (I mean how many are thinking the same)
so - a +1 function should be implemented the same time to get a better feedback/to get two know how many thing the one or another way (german: Meinungsbild der Mitglieder über ein Thema)

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Re: Multiquote or saved quotes

Post by theallzaz »

Shayariel wrote:Hi again,
as I was reading another thread I had some posts I'd have liked to answer - but not without reading the rest of the thread. At the end I tried to remeber all posts I'd like to comment and well... there was something like this.. and somewhere else someone who told that... or something like bla...

So.... why not mark/quote while reading withoud sending an answer after an answer or use two tabs (I thought too late for this solution :evil: )
Just mark the quoting mark and save like a non permanent draft, visible like a quickreply while reading page for page until the end.

It would - hopefully - have also some advantage for a discussion. Less posts just saying the same as another post - after the commentet one, but before the own awnser. Then it would be easier to find 'new' arguments.

Well, but it could also be counterproductive - With the believing all things said no reason to say it. Or less mass-feedback (I mean how many are thinking the same)
so - a +1 function should be implemented the same time to get a better feedback/to get two know how many thing the one or another way (german: Meinungsbild der Mitglieder über ein Thema)
I dont understand why this feature is not yet included in the current version of phpbb.

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Re: Multiquote or saved quotes

Post by DavidIQ »

theallzaz wrote:
Shayariel wrote:Hi again,
as I was reading another thread I had some posts I'd have liked to answer - but not without reading the rest of the thread. At the end I tried to remeber all posts I'd like to comment and well... there was something like this.. and somewhere else someone who told that... or something like bla...

So.... why not mark/quote while reading withoud sending an answer after an answer or use two tabs (I thought too late for this solution :evil: )
Just mark the quoting mark and save like a non permanent draft, visible like a quickreply while reading page for page until the end.

It would - hopefully - have also some advantage for a discussion. Less posts just saying the same as another post - after the commentet one, but before the own awnser. Then it would be easier to find 'new' arguments.

Well, but it could also be counterproductive - With the believing all things said no reason to say it. Or less mass-feedback (I mean how many are thinking the same)
so - a +1 function should be implemented the same time to get a better feedback/to get two know how many thing the one or another way (german: Meinungsbild der Mitglieder über ein Thema)
I dont understand why this feature is not yet included in the current version of phpbb.
Because this would be pretty difficult to implement the way it has been described. There already is a post review window where you can multi-quote to your heart's content all day even in 3.0. Multi-quoting on the same page is perfectly fine but on separate pages it would be a whole different story. I would like to hear the OP's idea or solution for that since they suggested it.

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Re: Multiquote or saved quotes

Post by theallzaz »

DavidIQ wrote:
theallzaz wrote:
Shayariel wrote:Hi again,
as I was reading another thread I had some posts I'd have liked to answer - but not without reading the rest of the thread. At the end I tried to remeber all posts I'd like to comment and well... there was something like this.. and somewhere else someone who told that... or something like bla...

So.... why not mark/quote while reading withoud sending an answer after an answer or use two tabs (I thought too late for this solution :evil: )
Just mark the quoting mark and save like a non permanent draft, visible like a quickreply while reading page for page until the end.

It would - hopefully - have also some advantage for a discussion. Less posts just saying the same as another post - after the commentet one, but before the own awnser. Then it would be easier to find 'new' arguments.

Well, but it could also be counterproductive - With the believing all things said no reason to say it. Or less mass-feedback (I mean how many are thinking the same)
so - a +1 function should be implemented the same time to get a better feedback/to get two know how many thing the one or another way (german: Meinungsbild der Mitglieder über ein Thema)
I dont understand why this feature is not yet included in the current version of phpbb.
Because this would be pretty difficult to implement the way it has been described. There already is a post review window where you can multi-quote to your heart's content all day even in 3.0. Multi-quoting on the same page is perfectly fine but on separate pages it would be a whole different story. I would like to hear the OP's idea or solution for that since they suggested it.
Multiquote in one page is enough. I do not know if you participate in any forum that has multiquote, but after you use you become addicted because it is practical.

An example: ... 71c21#p172

The problem with the post review window is just that: explain that it exists.

There is a plugin that does the multiquote function (which by the way is abandoned): Prime Multi Quote. It should be merged into phpBB. Fortunately you can still download it here:

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Re: Multiquote or saved quotes

Post by DavidIQ »

Multi-quoting is a feature of vBulletin so yes I know what it is and how it works. It wasn't a MOD author's original idea. ;-)

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Re: Multiquote or saved quotes

Post by Shayariel »

This example seems to show one way to do what I meant - if it works through several pages of one thread.
Another way could be to quote (withour leaving the page!) and put the answer in the quickreply, the content would be held inside the thread, even during changing the Page of the thread. And after reading all, quoting all parts you want, you can still edit your message and click on send. Its a bit like the draft function - but without leaving the threaded page and the possibility to work on it until the thread is read and you change to another thread (or send your reply before changing the thread)

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Re: Multiquote or saved quotes

Post by DavidIQ »

Problem is when you change pages you're not form posting. You're just clicking a link to the next page. The Quick Reply box would not persist from page to page in that case.

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Re: Multiquote or saved quotes

Post by Shayariel »

Well, there is always shown the quickreply - how about using the already implemented draft-system?

If saving a draft, also save the thread id, if a user has a draft in a certain thread load the draft automatically.
And as addition implement autosave a draft. If activated it saves automatic if mouseOut is send and changes a little symbol (red X, not saved, a green checkmark if is saved)

So it is even useable if javascript is disabled, only saves if wanted and uses the already implemented draft system.
Most important would be the 'autoload draft' on a page change, but this can be done on server side - so should be no problem without javascript. And perhaps it is possible an elegant way without to much SQL (performance loss while always looking up if a draft is saved, its content)

If the draft is used there could be one col in users, taking the number of drafts. If more than 0 check which, else let it be - this would prevent the extra queries in some cases.

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Re: Multiquote or saved quotes

Post by DavidIQ »

None of that is going to work without JavaScript.

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Re: Multiquote or saved quotes

Post by wGEric »

Multiquote isn't going to work without javascript unless you refresh the page every time someone clicks the quote button. That sounds like a nightmare for user experience.

I was thinking of using localStorage or cookies to save the data on the users computer or an AJAX call to save the data to the session. That info could then be used on the post screen to add the quotes. If your browser doesn't support the technology then you don't get the feature. It isn't a required feature but adds to the user experience.

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