Releasing 3.0.12
Forum rules
Discussion of general topics related to the new release and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
Discussion of general topics related to the new release and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
- DarkBeing
- Registered User
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- Joined: Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:32 pm
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Re: Releasing 3.0.12
Oh ok, thanks for clearing that up for me.
Re: Releasing 3.0.12
WOW no more bugsMaFeSa wrote:Opss now are 3
- bantu
- 3.0 Release Manager
- Posts: 557
- Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:22 am
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Re: Releasing 3.0.12
The prep-release-3.0.12 branch has been created. If you want to get something into an 3.0.12 release, you have to target this branch instead of develop-olympus.
- bantu
- 3.0 Release Manager
- Posts: 557
- Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:22 am
- Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
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Re: Releasing 3.0.12
Post to translators:
bantu wrote:Hey all,
we are about to release phpBB 3.0.12-RC1. You can find the language changes in MOD format as well as in diff format below. Please update your packages so you can turn them in right after the final 3.0.12 release.
Please do not submit your packages into our Customisation Database right now, only packages for final releases should be submitted to the Customisation Database. As always, you will be notified when submissions are open.
The public release preparation topic for 3.0.12 can be found on area51 at ... =3&t=43975
the Development Team
- bantu
- 3.0 Release Manager
- Posts: 557
- Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:22 am
- Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
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Re: Releasing 3.0.12
Shortlog / Contributors:
Code: Select all
169 Andreas Fischer
101 Oleg Pudeyev
68 Joas Schilling
40 Dhruv
36 Marc Alexander
36 Nils Adermann
19 Patrick Webster
17 Nathaniel Guse
16 Fyorl
13 Nathan Guse
11 erangamapa
9 Senky
5 David King
5 Igor Wiedler
5 Vjacheslav Trushkin
4 Andy Chase
3 Dhruv Goel
3 Gaëtan Muller
2 Callum Macrae
2 Carlo
2 Matt Friedman
2 Vinny
1 Adonais Romero González
1 Bruno Ais
1 Crizz0
1 David Tobin
1 Jordan Rogers
1 Joseph Warner
1 Martin Beckmann
1 Matthew Fonda
1 Oyabun1
1 Sajaki
1 Unknown Bliss
1 Victor Nagy
1 gamerchan
1 hjpotter92
1 marc1706
1 riadhchtara
1 westr
Code: Select all
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215 files changed, 6985 insertions(+), 1012 deletions(-)
- bantu
- 3.0 Release Manager
- Posts: 557
- Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:22 am
- Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
- Contact:
Re: Releasing 3.0.12
I would like to release an RC2 soon. Developers please make sure to get any remaining changes into prep-release-3.0.12.
- bantu
- 3.0 Release Manager
- Posts: 557
- Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:22 am
- Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
- Contact:
Re: Releasing 3.0.12
We are planning on releasing 3.0.12-RC2 on Friday (August 2nd, 2013).
Re: Releasing 3.0.12
Yay, I can't wait 
- bantu
- 3.0 Release Manager
- Posts: 557
- Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:22 am
- Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
- Contact:
Re: Releasing 3.0.12
Post to translators about RC2:
Hello everyone,
3.0.12-RC2 has been released. There have been some minor changes to the language files. We provide changes against 3.0.11 as well as 3.0.12-RC1 below to help you update your language packs. You will be able to submit your language packs as soon as we release the final version of phpBB 3.0.12.
- bantu
- 3.0 Release Manager
- Posts: 557
- Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:22 am
- Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
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Re: Releasing 3.0.12
There may be a regression bug, but we have not been able to reproduce it. See