Replace font size BBCodes' inline HTML with CSS

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Replace font size BBCodes' inline HTML with CSS

Post by ecwpa »

This is how small bbcode looks like:

Code: Select all

Here's the HTML that renders:

Code: Select all

<span style="font-size: 85%; line-height: normal">Small</span>
Same goes for tiny, large and huge font bbcodes.

The problem is they're all just <span> sections hardcoded to the final HTML, I can't style them individualy. If I want the Large bbcode to be a bit bigger that affects all of the others, same happens if I try to use a specific font color for one of them.

I know I could create new bbcodes but that's not the point, we shouldn't have font bbcodes hardcoded to HTML.

So, the proposal is just having 4 CSS classes:

Code: Select all

.small-text    {font-size: 85%; }
.normal-text {font-size: 100%; }
.large-text  {font-size: 150%; }
.huge-text  {font-size: 200%; }
So if I want to add something to it, I can.
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Re: Replace font size BBCodes' inline HTML with CSS

Post by hanakin »

+1 but expand to any and all inline styles, I believe the lists are handled the same way where it would get difficult is with the colours
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Re: Replace font size BBCodes' inline HTML with CSS

Post by Dragosvr92 »

Its a good idea... Sort of.
Do you want to replace the style="" with class="" and still keep it as span or div?
Your idea is good, but the point of the embedded css in the span is because people need to insert the desired number.
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Re: Replace font size BBCodes' inline HTML with CSS

Post by ecwpa »

Good point. Now that you mention it that must be the reason it works that way.

Anyway, you can keep the font-size hardcoded with style=, but let us have classes for the rest.
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Re: Replace font size BBCodes' inline HTML with CSS

Post by Dragosvr92 »

I am getting more and more lost in this... :|
Your main request was to get rid of the hardcodded fonts.

To do what you want, they will need to leave the existing size bbcode as it is and add 4 new bbcodes that have that class.
I dont see why .... Because il will make it easyer for you to controll them?

You can control them as they are now also.
Apply this on the html you posted..
span[style="font-test: 85%; line-height: normal"]{color:red;}
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Re: Replace font size BBCodes' inline HTML with CSS

Post by ecwpa »

Lost why? It's pretty clear, you're getting it right.

I like your solution, thanks. Although, it's still a workaround and the craziest pseudoclass I've ever seen, from the getgo I'm feeling compatility concerns.

So, even if this works, my RFC suggestion stands.
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Re: Replace font size BBCodes' inline HTML with CSS

Post by imkingdavid »

What if someone wants to have text at 125%? This new way would not allow that, since the only options would be 85%, 100%, 150%, and 200%. Also, this would need the font bbcode input to change from number to word (small, huge, etc.).
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Re: Replace font size BBCodes' inline HTML with CSS

Post by MichaelC »

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Re: Replace font size BBCodes' inline HTML with CSS

Post by ecwpa »

imkingdavid wrote:What if someone wants to have text at 125%? This new way would not allow that, since the only options would be 85%, 100%, 150%, and 200%. Also, this would need the font bbcode input to change from number to word (small, huge, etc.).
That's the thing. The size part looks like a lot of redundant code via CSS.

I'm not sure how many users use custom sizes but I bet most of them just use the 5 sizes labeled as as tiny, small, normal, big and huge. I'd like to have some control over those 5 only, just adding a class to the inline code would be enough for me and even theme designers.

So, It could look like this:

Code: Select all

<span style="font-size: 85%;" class="small-text">Small</span>

Code: Select all

.small-text  { line-height: normal"; }
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