There is this topic which someone i asking for "forget username" feature as some people might not remember their username only the used email.
Here is part of the topic:
sajaki wrote:hi,
I think there should be a feature to recover the password if you forgot the username. Now, phpbb asks for both username and email. the username is not something everyone (me included, i must be getting old) tends to remember for boards visited a long time ago.
imkingdavid wrote:Perhaps we could add a Forgot Username feature that requires only the email address sends a list of the usernames linked to that email address, and then the user can figure out which one he is trying to reset from that list, and then use the existing Forgot Password feature?
nickvergessen wrote:In case of multiple accounts we could just email all usernames, as all are owned by the same email address anyway
I also got a feedback from one of my board users via contact form made by a MOD, he said that he is not using his email anymore and doesn't remember the password and can't retrieve the account, this is the harder part which how can it be solved we need a 3rd parameter of what the user could use to be recognized that they are the owners of that account and so they can change their email address with a new one,or it can be made manually like if the user wants to change their email they have to use a contact form - if i remember correct there is going to be one in 3.1- and then an admin can justify that case of changing the email or not.EXreaction wrote:Yes, just have a list of all the accounts
reset password link
reset password link2
reset password link3