Use vertical resize on the textarea.

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Use vertical resize on the textarea.

Post by callumacrae »

TheKiller wrote:Dude, are you that dumb? It CANNOT Be made smaller horizontally !
It only gets a bit bigger, and messes up the similes box.

Just test the damn thing and see for yourselves. Then talk. Thanks.
If you would have been doing so, you would have figured out i am right, and would have agreed with the fix, other than talking nonsense.
Ah, last time I tried it it wouldn't let me make it smaller.

I really don't see what the problem is here. You have to drag it pretty far before it even moves. It's one of those "bugs" which will never ever happen in a real life situation…
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Re: Use vertical resize on the textarea.

Post by MattF »

Note the "resize" CSS property is only supported by Chrome, FF and Safari. Does this issue occur in IE or Opera? Because if so, this change would not fix it for those browsers.
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Re: Use vertical resize on the textarea.

Post by Dragosvr92 »

callumacrae wrote: I really don't see what the problem is here. You have to drag it pretty far before it even moves. It's one of those "bugs" which will never ever happen in a real life situation…
But it moves if you drag it.... It should not.
If you have some poison, you put it in a place where theres a possibility that your kids get to it, or make sure you put it where there is no chance they could ever get to it ?
VSE+ wrote:Note the "resize" CSS property is only supported by Chrome, FF and Safari. Does this issue occur in IE or Opera? Because if so, this change would not fix it for those browsers.
Mate, are you serious..?
The resize property is supported by those browsers, because they have that grabber feature, and the property is added to control it.
IE and Opera do not have the resize grabber thing to resize the textareas, therefore, there is nothing broken there...

PS: If you minimize the browser window of area51, the top blue area gets messed up... This is also something that shouldnt be fixed because it is meant to be seen in fullscreen, right..?
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Re: Use vertical resize on the textarea.

Post by DavidIQ »

You can't resize textareas in IE.

As far as the issue here goes it seems that it's only a problem with prosilver_se (and of course any style that uses a fixed width) which is what we use on This is why you don't see the issue as easily here on A51 since we are using prosilver.

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Re: Use vertical resize on the textarea.

Post by keith10456 »

I'm not a dev but if the fix for the problem was unknown and/or if it was a headache to correct the issue then I could see the reasoning for passing over this (until 3.1). However, TheKiller posted the fix so why the push-back?

I understand it's not a major bug... But it appears to be a simple fix.

Or is it because the fix will cause a headache to implement (for devs and/or other styles)?

As I said, I'm not a dev so there may be some things on the backend that I'm not aware of.

Just a note, the problem is with the prosilver style as well. I just checked my dev site.

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Re: Use vertical resize on the textarea.

Post by MattF »

TheKiller wrote:
VSE+ wrote:Note the "resize" CSS property is only supported by Chrome, FF and Safari. Does this issue occur in IE or Opera? Because if so, this change would not fix it for those browsers.
Mate, are you serious..?
The resize property is supported by those browsers, because they have that grabber feature, and the property is added to control it.
IE and Opera do not have the resize grabber thing to resize the textareas, therefore, there is nothing broken there...
Yes, I am serious.
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Re: Use vertical resize on the textarea.

Post by Dragosvr92 »


Yeah, i understand the resize attribute is NOT Supported in there !
IE And Opera do NOT have the grabber, so you cannot make the textarea bigger!
Therefore, there is absolutely NO PROBLEM with the textarea in those browsers. The problem here is that the textarea gets a bit messy when you resize it.

Is it clearer now? If not, please EXPLAIN what you dont understand.
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Re: Use vertical resize on the textarea.

Post by Noxwizard »

What does it hurt by letting them stretch it to the right? I do it from time to time. I do it knowing that the layout is going to be deformed, but I really don't care because the textarea is what I'm interested in. I would probably find it more annoying that I can't stretch it to the right, especially on a fixed width style. The user has to consciously resize the textarea and to even get it to expand to the right they have to significantly stretch it beyond the edge of the page, so they already know that they're exceeding the bounds of the layout.

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Re: Use vertical resize on the textarea.

Post by Dragosvr92 »

I am usually a bit hyper with the cursor. When i grab resize corner, i dont carefully lower the cursor to just the bottom, but move it to the right bottom to enlarge it vertically. Prosilver doesnt have much background area around its wrapping(unless you minimize the window), so you cant enlarge it more than a a centimetre. I dont think larging it a very tiny bit helps. Whatever, i am done. I got tired of this..
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Re: Use vertical resize on the textarea.

Post by AmigoJack »

TheKiller wrote:the grabber
The add-on Textarea resizer for Opera works even better and on every site. Works on a JS base flawlessly on all TEXTAREA, IMG, INPUT, SELECT, IFRAME, VIDEO, CANVAS and OBJECT elements, not just on one specific, for over 18 months already.
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