I'm posting here to suggest a possibly new feature that sounds cool to me, and I hope to others.
I think it would be for 4.x version because developpers are coding many things from scratch with a new framework (yay!) but if you think that could be done in 3.x that would be great !
I use it on a very old and unmantained php forum, and saw it on a recent and non-free one.
I would like to have all PMs showed as topic conversations instead of mailboxes with an often short limit of messages. It would act as totally private topics in a private sub section (or anything else, depending of the way you want to show them)
Each member would have a subsection on bottom or top of the forums, a notification icon for unread messages, and could read and anwser to his messages.
Technically it could be seen as a subsection of the forums with private topics, where only those who are listed in recepients can read and answer. (Multi participants could be done in the same time, because they would all have rights)
The only difficulty is for the delete function, if one member deletes the topic he could be removed from the allowed members, and the topic stays online for the others, even with only one. When the last one deletes it, it would be deleted from database.
It needs also to change the limit of PMs, it couldn't be in number of messages but in number of topics I think (number in option in ACP obviously)
What do you think about this ?
(I already ask for it but it seems to be to difficult to be done in a MOD for Olympus, due to its structure)
Thanks for reading ! I can answer any questions