Integrating automatic image resizing

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Re: Integrating automatic image resizing

Post by canonknipser »

keith10456 wrote:If you're viewing the post the image would already be resized - correct? So you wouldn't have to worry about your data cap.
Only if resizing is done on phpBB side, could be
  1. reading the image from the "foreign site" (50MB 5000*4000px),
  2. resizing [this can be done with gd or imagemagick] to maximum allowed resolution (eg. 50KB 500*400px),
  3. caching it and
  4. then send it to the Browser.
  5. For full resolution, the image can be clickable and then is read from the foreign site.
But creating the page can take a lot of time when there are a lot of big images, or foreign site has a bad response time ...

If there will be only a <img src="foreign/site/theimage.jpg" maxwith=500> or similar by html, css, javascript, clients browser has to read the image from the foreign site in full resolution and full filesize and then resizes it using html, css, javascript ...
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Re: Integrating automatic image resizing

Post by callumacrae »

canonknipser wrote:Much simpler: on click open in new window - then Browser can decide (most often defaulted to "fit in windows" , after click magnify to 100%) - should be available in almost every modern browser.
On they use a function to change all [IMG]-Tags for external images to a [URL] with the link-text "externes Bild" (external Image).

So it is just a piece of comfort - the "resize" will be a image with the same number of bytes on clients side, only shrinked in width and height. If you put in a image of 50MB and 5000*4000 px and tell your function to resize it to 500*400 px, the image will still have 50MB send to end users browser. And my mobile "flat rate" with 500MB each month is gone after a few images of 500*400. :roll:

Isn't it better to block image of that size (check in posting function may be a way to do this, if we can read the images header on the remote side) and tell the poster to use a smaller version of the image or the attachment function with newly created automatic resizer?
What? How is that "simpler"?

Option one: Click to make bigger

Option two: Click to open in new window (invasive and disorientating). Click again to make bigger.

EDIT: Oh, you mean resize on the server-side. That could prove extremely expensive.
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Re: Integrating automatic image resizing

Post by DavidIQ »

callumacrae wrote:Does it need a MOD? It's about six lines of JS xD
It sure isn't :-P

Edit: unless you're just saying to resize the images via an applied style property and just have a click event to open the full image up in the same or new window. Sounds pretty boring but sure. :P

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Re: Integrating automatic image resizing

Post by Pony99CA »

So would the IMG BBCode maximum image size limits in the ACP be changed from hard limits (giving an error when trying to post) to soft limits (forcing the image to display in the defined size, but allowing it to be viewed larger)?

The latter could lead to some mischief. Somebody could post a 10 GB image to a site and watch mobile users blow past their data plan limits. :twisted:

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Re: Integrating automatic image resizing

Post by canonknipser »

At the moment, there is only a limit for the dimensions in ACP, not for the file size. It defaults to 0*0, which means no checking, and i think that most board owner will leave it this way.
But even if you change it to a value like 100*100, it simply can be "tricked", because it is only checked when the message is created or edited, not when it is displayed - just exchange the image on the remote site after checking from 100*100 to 10,000*10,000 ...
So, from me a yes for such a feature, but checking and eventually resizing must be done on server side just before displaying the message, maybe with a kind of caching - this will cost a lot of ressources.
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Re: Integrating automatic image resizing

Post by callumacrae »

DavidIQ wrote:
callumacrae wrote:Does it need a MOD? It's about six lines of JS xD
It sure isn't :-P

Edit: unless you're just saying to resize the images via an applied style property and just have a click event to open the full image up in the same or new window. Sounds pretty boring but sure. :P
8 lines of JS, two of which are boring:

Obviously, a little "Click to enlarge" thing would have to be added when the image is small, but that could probably be done using CSS. This is how IPB (or at least, the IPB board I use) does it.

How is it boring? It allows the user to see both the small image and the big images without having to reload the page, and without have to rape the server xD
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Re: Integrating automatic image resizing

Post by DavidIQ »

Not really what most users would be expecting for this but sure! ;-)

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Re: Integrating automatic image resizing

Post by MattF »

Just integrate ReIMG into the core and call it a day! It is, afterall, one of the most downloaded MODs for phpBB anyways. Maybe that is saying something about how much people like its functionality. It also, to get back on topic, is basically what OP was asking for.
Last edited by MattF on Tue Aug 28, 2012 5:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Integrating automatic image resizing

Post by callumacrae »

DavidIQ wrote:Not really what most users would be expecting for this but sure! ;-)
The current behaviour is this:

VSE+ wrote:Just integrate ReIMG into the core and call it a day! It is, afterall, one of the most downloaded MODs for phpBB anyways. Maybe that is saying something about how much people like its functionality. It also, to get back on topic, is basically what OP was asking for.
Having looked at the code, it would need a rewrite - no offence, David!
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Re: Integrating automatic image resizing

Post by MichaelC »

VSE+ wrote:Just integrate ReIMG into the core and call it a day! It is, afterall, one of the most downloaded MODs for phpBB anyways. Maybe that is saying something about how much people like its functionality. It also, to get back on topic, is basically what OP was asking for.
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