Regex for custom profile fields

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Regex for custom profile fields

Post by Doldol »

Now custom profile fields offer very limited options to limit what's put into them:
- Maximum/Minimum number of characters
- Field validation

I suggest an advanced option of allowing a regex (with preg_match()) to be defined for it.
So that you have greater flexibility in limiting the fields.

Example case:
Users are supposed to only be able to enter a Steam ID.
- starts with STEAM_0:
- followed by either a 0 or 1.
- followed by a :
- followed by an integer 3 to 8 numbers in length.
Example: STEAM_0:1:1579421

Code: Select all

$re = "/^STEAM_0:[01]:[0-9]{3,8}$/"
Currently the closest you can get to this is setting the maximum and minimum amount of characters.

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