After identifying a few regressions in 3.0.11-RC1 we are happy to announce the availability of the second release candidate of phpBB 3.0.11 aimed at experienced users in an effort to increase the quality of final releases.
Please scrutinise this release in-depth and report issues to the bug tracker. Critical bugs halting the board's operation should be reported immediately. Feel free to contact developers directly about such problems.
We recommend that international support sites update their sites to RC2, too. We are able to provide direct support to them within our international support sites forums.
Tagging/Reviewing fixes
On our tracker QA team members can mark bug fixes as verified. Use the "Verify Solution" button from the button set at the top of the ticket. Of course prior to clicking you should have properly checked whether the bug was really fixed. Comment on the respective bug if you find problems so the fix can be corrected.
You can find a list of unverified fixes at ... stId=10400
Language Packs and Styles
We already gave out instructions to language pack authors to let them update their language packs in a timely manner. The changes are provided with the code changes package (see downloads section below). Style authors should also download the code changes package and adjust their styles accordingly. Please post within our Styles forums if you have questions or encounter problems.
New features, changes, bug fixes
phpBB 3.0.11 is a maintenance release fixing a various bugs but not adding any new features. We've improved compatability with PHP 5.4 further and added a warning about the minimum PHP version required to upgrade to phpBB 3.1 to warn users of old PHP installations.
The full changelog is available in the changelog file within the docs folder contained in the package which includes previous releases.
Available packages
If you experience problems with the automatic update (white screens, timeouts, etc.) we recommend using the "changed files only" or "patch" method for updating.
- Full Package:
Full phpBB 3 source code and english language files. - Automatic Update Package:
Update package for the automatic updater, contains changes from previous release to this release. - Changed Files Only:
Complete files, but only those that were changed since previous releases of phpBB 3. This archive contains changed files for every previous release. - Patch Files:
This file contains diffs against the previous phpBB 3 release, which can be applied with the patch utility. - Code Changes Package:
This package contains MOD instructions for changes to the following sections: Language changes, prosilver style changes and subsilver2 style changes.
- For new installations you should use the Full Package
- For updates of boards without modifications you can use the Automatic Update Package (guided update) or the Changed Files Only package (manual update).
- For updates of boards with modifications you should use the Automatic Update Package. If you are confident with patch files and patching you can use the Patch Files Package.
- Style Authors and Translators may use the Code Changes Package to update their styles or language packs.
- International Support Teams may use the Patch Package in conjunction with the Code Changes to better support users with problematic conflicts during their update process or to help them update code sections.
- If you are a hoster/provider, you may want to use the Patch Files Package to update all of your client installations.
Download Locations
Our release archive provides all packages we build.
These are the files with their md5 sums:
md5sum: dfadaf465303e6385c0f22ab1f690b7d
md5sum: aafd3294dea46f3e4755119fac27b0ac
md5sum: 7f5c94aac97514efd147d2c5bff3c4a4
md5sum: 39e38127c0a45f286c892566f337907b
md5sum: d388d6344bd57f1b0c2d75cf17a24ca2
md5sum: 39d50795bd9bb15628f7906e65b6ffbd
md5sum: 003f7d9538f54f99074e8b8368002f2b
md5sum: 631667c3bd3a9362921a9eed273e3c9f
md5sum: 29977232060420c4354341fdb29ea43a
md5sum: 61114168eb008008017f9be25126b847
md5sum: 98226f0fbe4eaf46b7b8c114fc897e0b
md5sum: b100694b993dfc9ffb9de90ca4fe195d
md5sum: 7bd4363953532475843acc80513949ee
md5sum: 41c8ebdcb1c17c4b26b6f5e6a5ed4669
md5sum: c827e02e4fee657d0e8a8f3ec067165d
To correctly perform an update, do not forget to re-enable the PHPBB_QA constant in your includes/constants.php file. Otherwise you are not prompted for an update in the ACP and the automatic update will eventually fail.
Download & Documentation
- phpBB Downloads
- phpBB Projects page @ ohloh
- phpBB 3 Documentation
- phpBB 3 support forum
- phpBB 3 bug tracker
- phpBB on GitHub
- phpBB Code Wiki
Thank you for testing the new release,
the phpBB Team