HTML Template in Emails.

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Re: HTML Template in Emails.

Post by EXreaction »

File extensions don't really matter, they are parsed and then sent.

If the only goal here is to make links clickable, we don't need to change the email template files at all, just put a wrapper around the text and turn urls to clickable links.

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Re: HTML Template in Emails.

Post by wGEric »

Pony99CA wrote:I'm asking because another thing to consider is the user's bandwidth. If user's have their phones configured to get E-mail from the same account they get their notifications sent to (like I do), if the images are not cached, that 1-3 KB text E-mail gets doubled to 2-6 KB for the text and HTML and then another big chunk for the image. (How big is the phpBB logo, for example?) That could eat into the user's data plan.
Are there any email clients these days that don't prompt you before downloading images in an email?

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