Fix Post textarea

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Re: Fix Post textarea

Post by Dragosvr92 »

I didnt say its a bug. Its an improvement.
I'm aware its easily done, as i posted the solution on how to do it.

If you dont want to fix this, then fix the smilies area. When you get the cursor out of the <form id="postform", as you enlarde the textarea, the smilies box gets out of the postform..
Last edited by Dragosvr92 on Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fix Post textarea

Post by Erik Frèrejean »

TheKiller wrote:
Oleg wrote:I disagree.
You like how this looks like....?
I really don't see the issue, it isn't like the layout gets butchered. And even if it would, the user did this himself and can expend the area again to fix it. phpBB shouldn't determine which browser features a user can or can't use. If he want to resize the area let him resize it, the only one that will notice that he did so it the user himself.
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Re: Fix Post textarea

Post by DavidIQ »

What exactly is wrong with the Smilies area when the text area is this small?
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Re: Fix Post textarea

Post by imkingdavid »

I don't know about you, but I cannot make the textarea smaller than it starts out as in Google Chrome. Even if I make it larger, it stops at the original size. I also cannot change the width either way. Anyway, I cannot think of a good reason it would need to be made smaller, so I doubt many people even try.

IMO, this isn't really an issue that needs to be fixed. If the user can make it smaller and decides to, that's their choice, and they will have to accept whatever layout issues arise from that. We cannot predict and preemptively fix all potential layout issues that could potentially arise if the user happens to decide to make some change somewhere.
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Re: Fix Post textarea

Post by DionDesigns »

The reason one can't resize the width is because there is CSS in place which sets the width. In addition, Webkit will respect the rows/cols attributes and not allow resizing to anything less than those calculated values. Gecko ignores the (outdated) rows/cols attributes.

For whatever reason, both Webkit and Gecko chose to set CSS resize of textarea elements to a default of both, which is against the definition of the CSS resize property (default should be none). The CSS I posted above will give textarea elements the proper default value. If a designer wants to allow individual textarea elements to be resized, they can then do so.

As I said above, since I add it to everything I write, I don't care whether the single line of CSS to eliminate/fix this issue is added to the core. I'm responding because the reasons given for doing nothing are, well, flawed at best and disingenuous at worst.

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Re: Fix Post textarea

Post by DavidIQ »

DionDesigns wrote:I'm responding because the reasons given for doing nothing are, well, flawed at best and disingenuous at worst.
Yet no real good reason has been given for doing it either except "I like it that way" or "I think this is better", which is also flawed logic. Based on most everyone's observations and testing, nothing is hurt by the fact that the user can change the size of the text area.

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Re: Fix Post textarea

Post by Dragosvr92 »

I think the form should stay as it is intended to stay. You can be allowed to enlarge it, but not shrink it.
If you shrink it, there will remain empty space. I find that disturbing.. :)

It gets shrinked/enlarged easily. I would prefer to have a default size, that doesnt shrink. There is no reason you wouls shrink the text area, but only enlarge it, so that you may avoid scrolling..
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Re: Fix Post textarea

Post by bantu »

In my opinion the reasons given are not sufficient for imposing the suggested restrictions on users.

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Re: Fix Post textarea

Post by DionDesigns »

I wrote:For whatever reason, both Webkit and Gecko chose to set CSS resize of textarea elements to a default of both, which is against the definition of the CSS resize property (default should be none). The CSS I posted above will give textarea elements the proper default value.
As a response, DavidIQ wrote:Yet no real good reason has been given for doing it either except "I like it that way" or "I think this is better", which is also flawed logic. Based on most everyone's observations and testing, nothing is hurt by the fact that the user can change the size of the text area.
OK. If you say so. :roll:

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Re: Fix Post textarea

Post by Ger »

TheKiller wrote:If you shrink it, there will remain empty space. I find that disturbing.. :)
Well, than don't shrink it. Quite an easy fix hey? :P
Above message may contain errors in grammar, spelling or wrongly chosen words. This is because I'm not a native speaker. My apologies in advance.

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