[RFC|Rejected] Language in the database

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[RFC|Rejected] Language in the database

Post by imkingdavid »

Well, I noticed the topic about loading all of the default language files just to be sure no keys get lost in translation (hehe :lol:), and I got to thinking, why are we relying on files anyway? Why not put the language stuff in the database? I doubt it would be a major resource hog, and we could of course cache it so that we don't have to run queries on every page load. This would make it easier to do what naderman suggested for having a fall back, but instead of including an entire language file to look for one key, we just add an if statement to say that if the language key does not exist in the selected language, check the default language as well. This way you're only loading the keys you need, not each one available.

The way I envision in would not require dramatic changes (or any, really) to the way we use the language array (or, better yet, the $user->lang() method), it would just be a different way of storing it and selecting it.

As for language packs, we could even keep the lang file as it is and have an "installer" that processes the $lang array in the files and adds them to the database directly, so we wouldn't need to get rid of the current language files. And because of that, we could allow the admin to select whether to serve language from the files or the database (although then we still need to decide whether to load the default language pack files for a fallback).

So what would need to happen is to add a new table like so (may need some changes, just a rough idea of what we would need):

Code: Select all

CREATE TABLE phpbb_lang_items (
    lang_iso_id VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'en', // this would reference the phpbb_lang table
    lang_item_key VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    lang_item_value TEXT NOT NULL, // this is TEXT because varchar is too short in some cases
Anyway, this just kind of suddenly occurred to me and I really haven't thought through any of the potential cons, but I wanted to get this up for thoughts. So... thoughts?
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Re: [RFC] Language in the database

Post by imkingdavid »

Here's an irc log from just now:

Code: Select all

[17:29:54] <imkingdavid> anyone wanna take a look at this and tell me why it's a bad idea before I think too much abuot it? http://area51.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=42939
[17:29:59] <imkingdavid> :DDDD
[17:31:23] <nx-> because you have to load the entries on each request?
[17:32:35] <nx-> we are relying on files because parsing php code is i'm assuming faster than issuing an sql query and then parsing the results
[17:32:36] <nx-> when you use cache you still parse everything
[17:33:30] --> t_backoff (~t_backoff@phpbb/moderator/tbackoff) has joined #phpBB-dev
[17:33:30] *** Mode #phpBB-dev +o t_backoff by ChanServ
[17:33:40] <nx-> but now instead of just loading a file you first load everything into the database, then you read it back from the database, then you store it into cache and read it out of the cache
[17:33:40] <nx-> still parsing everything
[17:33:40] <nx-> if you want fallbacks you can do them in filesystem just as well
[17:33:40] <nx-> well, in a normal app you could
[17:33:41] <nx-> in phpbb i guess not
[17:34:37] <nx-> i would be really careful with changes like this and especially making them on a whim
[17:34:51] <nx-> the only reason i'm seeing is "This would make it easier to do what naderman suggested for having a fall back"
[17:35:12] <nx-> not anywhere enough of a reason to put this much data into the database for me
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Re: [RFC] Language in the database

Post by Danielx64 »

I suppose the only thing is, how much bigger will the database get? Wouldn't be that much right?

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Re: [RFC] Language in the database

Post by DavidIQ »

Would probably be, at most, a few hundred rows and, in some rare/unique instances (tons of extensions installed), a bit over a thousand.

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Re: [RFC] Language in the database

Post by naderman »

This is going to make updates very complicated, so I'd rather just stick to files.

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Re: [RFC] Language in the database

Post by MartinTruckenbrodt »

I can remember that the APboard (or tForum? ) have been doing it this way (about 9 years ago - in 2003 I moved to phpBB).
Database or files?

Are you sure that language files are cached the way you told here (in Olympus).
When I'm programming and testing my MODs and I'm uploading a changed language file then always the content is updated without purging the board cache. So I think that the language files are loaded always again.

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Re: [RFC] Language in the database

Post by imkingdavid »

MartinTruckenbrodt wrote:Hello,
I can remember that the APboard (or tForum? ) have been doing it this way (about 9 years ago - in 2003 I moved to phpBB).
Database or files?

Are you sure that language files are cached the way you told here (in Olympus).
When I'm programming and testing my MODs and I'm uploading a changed language file then always the content is updated without purging the board cache. So I think that the language files are loaded always again.

Bye Martin
I never said that Olympus cached language entries. Instead, I was suggesting that if they are moved into the database, we cache them so that we don't have to perform queries each time we want to get a language string.

Anyway, I am marking this topic as rejected, since I have already been told that this is not a realistic or beneficial change to look into at this time.
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Re: [RFC|Rejected] Language in the database

Post by MartinTruckenbrodt »

Hello imkingdavid,
thanks for the clarification!
BTW: It has not been a persoanl attack. Now I know that file content is not cached in Olympus.
Bye Martin
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