Releasing 3.0.11
Forum rules
Discussion of general topics related to the new release and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
Discussion of general topics related to the new release and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
- bantu
- 3.0 Release Manager
- Posts: 557
- Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:22 am
- Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
- Contact:
Releasing 3.0.11
Hello everyone,
albeit the amount of changes is rather small (compared to 3.0.10), I think we should have another 3.0.x release in may.
We should probably begin RC phase around May 10th.
albeit the amount of changes is rather small (compared to 3.0.10), I think we should have another 3.0.x release in may.
We should probably begin RC phase around May 10th.
- bantu
- 3.0 Release Manager
- Posts: 557
- Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:22 am
- Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
- Contact:
Re: Releasing 3.0.11
Todo List for 3.0.11
- Releasing 3.0.11-RC1:
- Move all bug reports assigned to fix version "3.0.11-RC1" to "3.0.12-RC1" in Tracker. ✔
- Create "3.0.11-RC2" version on the tracker. ✔
- Create "3.0.12" version on the tracker. ✔
- Create "3.0.13-RC1" version on the tracker. ✔
- Make sure phpBB/docs/AUTHORS is up to date.
- Make sure all reports in the security tracker are closed or invalid. ✔
- Update version number in develop-olympus to "3.0.11" in the following files: ✔
Code: Select all
phpBB/docs/INSTALL.html phpBB/install/convertors/convert_phpbb20.php phpBB/styles/prosilver/imageset/imageset.cfg phpBB/styles/prosilver/style.cfg phpBB/styles/prosilver/template/template.cfg phpBB/styles/prosilver/theme/theme.cfg phpBB/styles/subsilver2/imageset/imageset.cfg phpBB/styles/subsilver2/style.cfg phpBB/styles/subsilver2/template/template.cfg phpBB/styles/subsilver2/theme/theme.cfg
- Update version number in develop-olympus to "3.0.11-RC1" in these files: ✔
Code: Select all
build/build.xml phpBB/includes/constants.php phpBB/install/database_update.php phpBB/install/schemas/schema_data.sql
- Go through Changelog/Release Notes and correct any unreadable descriptions. ✔
- Commit Changelog generated from Tracker ✔
Code: Select all
php build/build_changelog.php 3.0.11-RC1
Code: Select all
- Build packages ✔
Code: Select all
cd build phing
- Test install of 3.0.11-RC1 package ✔
- Test update from 3.0.10 to 3.0.11-RC1 ✔
- Post language changes for translators ✔
- Prepare an announcement in BBCode and E-Mail form ✔
Code: Select all
cat phpBB-3.0.11*.md5 | sed 's/^\([a-z0-9]*\) [.\/]*\(new_version\/\)*release_files\/\(.*\)/md5sum: \1\nhttp:\/\/\/pub\/release\/3.0\/release_candidates\/3.0.11-RC1\/\3/' | tac cat *to_3.0.11*.md5 | sed 's/^\([a-z0-9]*\) [.\/]*\(new_version\/\)*release_files\/\(.*\)/md5sum: \1\nhttp:\/\/\/pub\/release\/3.0\/release_candidates\/update\/other_to_3.0.11-RC1\/\3/' | tac
Code: Select all
cat phpBB-3.0.11*.md5 | sed 's/^\([a-z0-9]*\) [.\/]*\(new_version\/\)*release_files\/\(.*\)/md5sum: \1\n[url=http:\/\/\/pub\/release\/3.0\/release_candidates\/3.0.11-RC1\/\3]\3[\/url]/' | tac cat *to_3.0.11*.md5 | sed 's/^\([a-z0-9]*\) [.\/]*\(new_version\/\)*release_files\/\(.*\)/md5sum: \1\n[url=http:\/\/\/pub\/release\/3.0\/release_candidates\/update\/other_to_3.0.11-RC1\/\3]\3[\/url]/' | tac
- Branch prep-release-3.0.11 off of develop-olympus ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout -b prep-release-3.0.11 develop-olympus
- Tag prep-release-3.0.11 as release-3.0.11-RC1 ✔
Code: Select all
git tag -a release-3.0.11-RC1 -m "Tagging the 3.0.11-RC1 release."
- Merge release-3.0.11-RC1 into qa ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout qa git merge --no-ff release-3.0.11-RC1
- Update version number in develop-olympus to 3.0.12-dev in these files: ✔
Code: Select all
phpBB/includes/constants.php phpBB/install/database_update.php phpBB/install/schemas/schema_data.sql
- Merge develop-olympus into develop ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout develop git merge --no-ff develop-olympus
- Push changes ✔
Code: Select all
git push phpbb develop develop-olympus qa prep-release-3.0.11 release-3.0.11-RC1
- Set release date for version 3.0.11-RC1 on the tracker ✔
- Upload packages ✔
- Make sure packages have correct permissions for downloading ✔
- Announce in QA team forum ✔
- Announce on area51 ✔
- Update QA versioncheck ✔
- Announce on QA mailinglist ✔
- Releasing 3.0.11-RC2:
- Create "3.0.11-RC3" version on the tracker. ✔
- Update version number in prep-release-3.0.11 to "3.0.11-RC2" in these files: ✔
Code: Select all
build/build.xml phpBB/includes/constants.php phpBB/install/database_update.php phpBB/install/schemas/schema_data.sql
- Update Changelog generated from Tracker ✔
Code: Select all
php build/build_changelog.php 3.0.11-RC2
Code: Select all
- Build packages ✔
Code: Select all
cd build phing
- Test install of 3.0.11-RC2 package ✔
- Test update from 3.0.11-RC1 to 3.0.11-RC2 ✔
- Test update from 3.0.10 to 3.0.11-RC2
- Post language changes for translators (if any) ✔
- Prepare an announcement in BBCode and E-Mail form ✔
- Tag prep-release-3.0.11 as release-3.0.11-RC2 ✔
Code: Select all
git tag -a release-3.0.11-RC2 -m "Tagging the 3.0.11-RC2 release."
- Merge release-3.0.11-RC2 into qa ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout qa git merge --no-ff release-3.0.11-RC2
- Merge prep-release-3.0.11 into develop-olympus ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout develop-olympus git merge --no-ff prep-release-3.0.11
- Merge develop-olympus into develop ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout develop git merge --no-ff develop-olympus
- Push changes ✔
Code: Select all
git push phpbb develop develop-olympus qa prep-release-3.0.11 release-3.0.11-RC2
- Set release date for version 3.0.11-RC2 on the tracker ✔
- Upload packages ✔
- Make sure packages have correct permissions for downloading ✔
- Announce in QA team forum ✔
- Announce on area51 ✔
- Update QA versioncheck ✔
- Announce on QA mailinglist ✔
- Releasing 3.0.11:
- Update version number in prep-release-3.0.11 to 3.0.11 in these files: ✔
Code: Select all
build/build.xml phpBB/includes/constants.php phpBB/install/database_update.php phpBB/install/schemas/schema_data.sql
- Update Changelog generated from Tracker (if any) ✔
Code: Select all
- Build packages ✔
Code: Select all
cd build phing
- Test install of 3.0.11 package
- Test update from 3.0.10 to 3.0.11
- Test update from 3.0.11-RC1 to 3.0.11
- Post language changes for translators (if any)
- Merge prep-release-3.0.11 into develop-olympus ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout develop-olympus git merge --no-ff prep-release-3.0.11
- Merge develop-olympus into develop ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout develop git merge --no-ff develop-olympus
- Merge prep-release-3.0.11 into master ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout master git merge --no-ff prep-release-3.0.11
- Tag master as release-3.0.11 ✔
Code: Select all
git tag -a release-3.0.11 -m "Tagging the 3.0.11 release."
- Merge release-3.0.11 into qa ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout qa git merge --no-ff release-3.0.11
- Push changes ✔
Code: Select all
git push phpbb prep-release-3.0.11 develop-olympus develop qa master release-3.0.11
- Set release date for version 3.0.11 on the tracker ✔
- Delete version 3.0.11-RC3 on the tracker ✔
- Upload packages to ✔
- Upload packages to ✔
- Make sure packages have correct permissions for downloading ✔
- Update these files in the website repository: ✔
Code: Select all
files/release/package.xml vars.php (Make sure to also update the dates and old release versions) downloads/olympus.php (Make sure mirrors are turned off: DOWNLOAD_USE_LOCAL)
- Prepare an announcement in BBCode and E-Mail form ✔
Code: Select all
git shortlog -sn release-3.0.10...release-3.0.11
Code: Select all
git diff --stat release-3.0.10...release-3.0.11
Code: Select all
cat phpBB-3.0.11*.md5 | sed 's/^\([a-z0-9]*\) [.\/]*\(new_version\/\)*release_files\/\(.*\)/md5sum: \1\nhttp:\/\/\/pub\/release\/3.0\/3.0.11\/\3/' | tac cat *to_3.0.11*.md5 | sed 's/^\([a-z0-9]*\) [.\/]*\(new_version\/\)*release_files\/\(.*\)/md5sum: \1\nhttp:\/\/\/pub\/release\/3.0\/update\/to_3.0.11\/\3/' | tac
Code: Select all
cat phpBB-3.0.11*.md5 | sed 's/^\([a-z0-9]*\) [.\/]*\(new_version\/\)*release_files\/\(.*\)/md5sum: \1\n[url=http:\/\/\/pub\/release\/3.0\/3.0.11\/\3]\3[\/url]/' | tac cat *to_3.0.11*.md5 | sed 's/^\([a-z0-9]*\) [.\/]*\(new_version\/\)*release_files\/\(.*\)/md5sum: \1\n[url=http:\/\/\/pub\/release\/3.0\/update\/to_3.0.11\/\3]\3[\/url]/' | tac
- Announce in public (create discussion topic and link them) ✔
- Upload files to sourceforge
- Announce on mailinglist
- Update QA and stable versioncheck ✔
- Upload Package to Microsoft Web Application Gallery
- Update version number in prep-release-3.0.11 to 3.0.11 in these files: ✔
Re: Releasing 3.0.11
very good news.
a question
phpBB 3.0.12 is the end of 3.0.x ?
a question
phpBB 3.0.12 is the end of 3.0.x ?
- bantu
- 3.0 Release Manager
- Posts: 557
- Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:22 am
- Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
- Contact:
Re: Releasing 3.0.11
You can stop asking. We will announce that information as soon as we have decided/know it, which will certainly not happen before 3.1 is released.Meis2M wrote:phpBB 3.0.12 is the end of 3.0.x ?
Re: Releasing 3.0.11
I know that there are still some things that need to be done, do you have any kind of change log? Or too early for that?
Re: Releasing 3.0.11
The big reason is probably php 5.4 compatibility, see
The second important issue I see is php 5.3.2 warning for 3.1:
The balance of the issues fixed: ... stId=10262
The second important issue I see is php 5.3.2 warning for 3.1:
The balance of the issues fixed: ... stId=10262
Re: Releasing 3.0.11
All for good. 
So we are better prepared for the versions with more drastic changes.
So we are better prepared for the versions with more drastic changes.
*Imagine a signature super spectacular.*
Re: Releasing 3.0.11
^ True and yay for php 5.4 support
Re: Releasing 3.0.11
We're fully prepared to thatnextgen wrote: So we are better prepared for the versions with more drastic changes.