Releasing 3.0.11

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Discussion of general topics related to the new release and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
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Erik Frèrejean
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Re: Releasing 3.0.11

Post by Erik Frèrejean »

TheKiller wrote:Will the 3.0.11 final release support 5.2.17 ?
My host doesnt seem to upgrade it too soon.
Yes, phpBB 3.0.x supports php < 5.3, the php 5.3.2 requirement is added in the 3.1.x line.
TheKiller wrote:Does 3.1 have an aproximate date on when it will be released... a year... two.. more?
Will we be able to upgrade a 3.0.x style to 3.1.x ? Will 3.1 look like area51, or there will be great style changes.. or thats just for 4.0 :lol: Can we upgrade a 3.0/3.1 style to 4.0 ?
Doesn't really have anything to do with a phpBB 3.0.11 discussion and those questions have been asked and answered various times already (even by yourself). No there is no ETA for 3.1, yes there will be an upgrade path from 3.0.x to 3.1.x, area51 already runs the develop branch and 4.0.x is so far away that it really doesn't make sense to keep asking about that for some time in the foreseeable future.
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Re: Releasing 3.0.11

Post by bantu »

TheKiller wrote:Will the 3.0.11 final release support 5.2.17 ?
Yes, phpBB 3.0.x supports PHP 4.3.3 or later.

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Re: Releasing 3.0.11

Post by Dragosvr92 »

Thank you.

I thought you got an aproximate release date by now. No harm in asking.
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Re: Releasing 3.0.11

Post by nextgen »

bantu wrote:And yes, there will probably be an RC2 release.
Hopefully know if errors are corrected. ;)
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Re: Releasing 3.0.11

Post by bantu »

nextgen wrote:
bantu wrote:And yes, there will probably be an RC2 release.
Hopefully know if errors are corrected. ;)
I have no idea what you are trying to say.

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Re: Releasing 3.0.11

Post by nextgen »

bantu wrote:
nextgen wrote:
bantu wrote:And yes, there will probably be an RC2 release.
Hopefully know if errors are corrected. ;)
I have no idea what you are trying to say.
Many language barriers. :)
Will learn to write in German. ;)
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Re: Releasing 3.0.11

Post by bantu »

The second post in this topic has been updated with instructions for RC2.

I've posted the following in the Translators forum.
bantu wrote:Hello everyone,

we are preparing a second release candiate right now. There have been some minor changes to the language files. We provide changes against 3.0.10 as well as 3.0.11-RC1 below to help you update your language packs. You will be able to submit your language packs as soon as we release the final version of phpBB 3.0.11.

Thanks. :)
(27.64 KiB) Downloaded 1519 times
(18.5 KiB) Downloaded 1436 times
(2.97 KiB) Downloaded 1489 times
(2.77 KiB) Downloaded 1494 times
Shortlog (3.0.10 to 3.0.11-RC2):

Code: Select all

   136	Andreas Fischer
    80	Oleg Pudeyev
    31	Nils Adermann
    27	Joas Schilling
    20	Patrick Webster
    15	Hari Sankar R
    15	Michael Cullum
    15	rxu
    14	Dhruv Goel
    14	Vjacheslav Trushkin
    11	David King
     7	Igor Wiedler
     7	Richard Foote
     5	Senky
     4	galaxyAbstractor
     3	Unknown
     2	Adonais Romero González
     2	Fyorl
     2	Raimon
     1	Bruno Ais
     1	Callum Macrae
     1	HTF
     1	James King
     1	Jan Schejbal
     1	Oyabun1
     1	RMcGirr83
Diffstat (3.0.10 to 3.0.11-RC2):

Code: Select all

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 220 files changed, 3229 insertions(+), 1074 deletions(-)

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