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Post by Dragosvr92 »

Are there any chances to have a photoviewer in phpbb 3.0 ?
Viewing attachments and other images in a new window is very annoying.

I made a mod that ads Lightbox on phpbb, but it wasnt validated as its licence isnt compatible with phpbb's one.
Could phpbb make use of an existing photoviewer around the web, or better, just create their own?
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Re: Photoviewer....

Post by callumacrae »

It's a nice idea, post an RFC in 3.2.
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Re: Photoviewer....

Post by brunoais »

Do you mean... Something like a system that uses javascript to show a modal window with the image?

I have just asked something like that to a website owner yesterday because I thought it would be neat. I'll be waiting for his answer. If he allows us to use his code, then we could discuss adding it or not to phpbb.
P.S.I don't think it's appropriate to place the link to the site here because it contains really really explicit images.

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Re: Photoviewer....

Post by callumacrae »

brunoais wrote:Do you mean... Something like a system that uses javascript to show a modal window with the image?

I have just asked something like that to a website owner yesterday because I thought it would be neat. I'll be waiting for his answer. If he allows us to use his code, then we could discuss adding it or not to phpbb.
P.S.I don't think it's appropriate to place the link to the site here because it contains really really explicit images.
There are plenty of lightboxes released under GPL, there's no need to get permission from anyone. They're also very easy to make.
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Re: Photoviewer....

Post by brunoais »

We could use this "baby" then!

Seems to be light and completely functional for what we want.

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Re: Photoviewer....

Post by Dragosvr92 »

Then, i would request a Moderator to move this topic to the correct forum (3.1, 3.2) But i hoped to see it in 3.0

Brunois, i mean a photoviewer like the one phpbb has on their MODs database.
Heres the Lightbox MOD i made/converted to phpbb [Released] LightBox 205 PhotoViewer

PS: I hate this Highslide JS.
I dont want to highlight the images and fill the screen with images, just switch from back and next, like in the mod above.
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Re: Photoviewer....

Post by DavidIQ »

brunoais wrote:^
We could use this "baby" then!

Seems to be light and completely functional for what we want.
Not in 3.0. The license for Highslide is Creative Commons, which is not compatible with the GPL.

EDIT: looks like they no longer use the CC license...they have their own. However we still couldn't include it since phpBB can be use by commercial entities, a provision Highslide makes only if these commercial enites pay.

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Re: Photoviewer....

Post by DavidIQ »

TheKiller wrote:Then, i would request a Moderator to move this topic to the correct forum (3.1, 3.2) But i hoped to see it in 3.0

Brunois, i mean a photoviewer like the one phpbb has on their MODs database.
Heres the Lightbox MOD i made/converted to phpbb [Released] LightBox 205 PhotoViewer

PS: I hate this Highslide JS.
I dont want to highlight the images and fill the screen with images, just switch from back and next, like in the mod above.
You do realize we're not going to be adding more features to 3.0 right? All focus is on 3.1 and 3.2 right now. 3.0 is strictly in maintenance mode now. Those that want this will need to use the MOD. If you are serious about wanting this in phpBB then open up an RFC or 3.2.
