These requests for comments/change have lead to an implemented feature that has been successfully merged into the 3.2/Rhea branch. Everything listed in this forum will be available in phpBB 3.2.
bantu wrote:This only works for full quotes using the quote button, otherwise we do want to tamper with user data because the quotes may contain external content which we should certainly not just throw away.
all quotes come from posts in topic so user can find them there.
+1 for RFC currently using a mod for this.
emosbat wrote:all quotes come from posts in topic so user can find them there.
The Quote-BBcode is for quoting. You can quote external sources and quotes can contain other quotes. E.g. when copying discussions from one board (e.g. limit is 5) to another (e.g. limit is 3), content should certainly not be silently thrown away, but an error message should be shown. But surely when quoting another post using one of the post buttons removing the innermost qoutes can be considered.
emosbat wrote:all quotes come from posts in topic so user can find them there.
The Quote-BBcode is for quoting. You can quote external sources and quotes can contain other quotes. E.g. when copying discussions from one board (e.g. limit is 5) to another (e.g. limit is 3), content should certainly not be silently thrown away, but an error message should be shown. But surely when quoting another post using one of the post buttons removing the innermost qoutes can be considered.
your example is so infrequent. I didn't had such problem in vB boards that remove extra qoutes automatically (7 years user of many forums). and one note is that such function should remove extra quote from within topic, we can detect what quote is from a post (quote="bantu" is from a post etc.) and what is from outside or a user made (quote without username, or multi-qoutes submiting from editor). but of course it should be an option.
That's really dependent on the browser width and might become more of an issue if we move to a design that doesn't have a minimum width and is more responsive.
A better way to fix that problem might be to change the user interface (modify the css that displays it or use some javascript to hide quotes that are too deep depending on the browser width), not use hard limits or delete post content.
problem with that is you would still be serving it all on mobile, while yes the spacing would be smaler you are stil going to be limited very quickly on a mobile theme in the number of quotes. so it should be handled through the core rather than css or js to prevent all the unnecessary rendering on mobile of hidden contents