oddfish wrote:Pony99CA wrote:It's more than an About box, though -- it contains the description of the extension. Imagine that I have two extensions installed which have similar names. I might not know which one that I want to get rid of, but viewing the description could provide enough information to determine that. It seems that forcing users to go back to the list to perform the desired action is wasted time.
For example, in the ACP Module settings, I can disable modules from the list view or in the settings view. Extensions may not have settings that can be changed, but otherwise they're somewhat similar.
About boxes do contain a description (as short as they are made) for many products. About pages go into more detail (again as informative as they are made to be). The amount of detail in this example is minimal with version numbers and authors, nothing more than an about box. To do more to it in its current form is unnecessary
We disagree (on both the usefulness and whether Details is like an About box) then.
oddfish wrote:PhpBB's about page gives a different interpretation of what their product is with no direct link to installing, purging, uploading etc, rather linking to what you want to do (a back button in the example).
That's a completely different animal. About pages on Web sites are supposed to be descriptive; About dialogs in software generally just give version/build information and intellectual property details (copyrights, trademarks, licensing information, etc.).
I just checked Outlook 2010, IE 8, TestPartner and WinCVS. The most descriptive information was in Outlook 2010, saying that it was part of Office and listing the other programs that it was bundled with, but none of those had a description of what the product did. That makes sense for installable programs because you have to launch the product to get to its About box, so you've already seen a lot of what it does just by looking at the UI.
Extensions are different -- they have no UI (in general) outside of phpBB, so you have to infer what they do when they're running.
Anyway, you may feel the buttons on the Details page are unnecessary, which is fine. And you're right, they aren't
really necessary, because you can accomplish the task in another way. However, is there any good reason
not to include them there (other than it would take some amount of time to add them)? I've given reasons why they'd be useful in some cases, but you've provided no reasons why they shouldn't be there other than your belief that they're not necessary.
phpBB needs to be able to do things in both list views and details views. Just last week, somebody wanted the ability to
moderate posts from the search list without having to go into each topic (the "details" view) and use Quick Mod tools. That seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to me (and, if I recall correctly, something that vBulletin allows