[quote ]
contains, optionally, a link to the post quoted.
When we quote someone, it's better to quote just the thing we want to discuss instead of the whole post or most of the post.
Instead of doing that, we may mark in the quote tag itself the post we are referring to when we are quoting.
If I want to discuss a small part of the post and a user wants the context of the quote, that user just needs to use the link in the quote example:
Code: Select all
[quote="brunoais" post="15"]dsd[/quote]
[quote="brunoais" source="http://www.phpbb.com/support/irc/"]dsd[/quote]
I believe that, with this, we can have the source themselves in the quote itself and not only the one who wrote it.
Alter quote BBcode so that we can have a source for the quote itself in the themed quote markup.
Ofc someone could have:
Code: Select all
source post: [some url]
How to do it
Change the bbcode.php file e dependencies so that it parses the quote tag with the changes.
I've tested. By the definitions of PHPBB it's impossible to have clashes with this because usernames must not contain double quotes.
- Each theme can have it's own way to show from where the quote was made.
- The system can
- The user who sees the psot may check out the context from where the post came from
Seems like there aren't any, actually. Can someone find one?
Extension (if accepted and do after the above)
Also save the time of the post. We can also mark when was the other post made so that we can have something like:
Code: Select all
[url= someUrlToPost ]brunoais wrote at [date] [time][/url]
I may develop this myself. I just need to know if it is accepted or not.
Edit: code tags added as requested
Issue created: http://tracker.phpbb.com/browse/PHPBB3-10620
Development of the code of this RFC is stalled until the new BBCode engine is done.