(16:18:31) an-: we lost all options when installing a style
(16:18:37) an-: set as active/default/force users to use it
(16:18:41) an-: cyberalien: ^
(16:19:29) an-: was this discussed? approved?
(16:19:37) cyberalien: an-: no, you didn't. new acp_styles lets you activate/deactivate it. focing users to use it was never in acp_styles, its in configuration
(16:19:38) an-: is it coming back?
(16:23:40) an-: cyberalien: no, do i need to make a screenshot?
(16:23:55) cyberalien: yes
(16:23:59) an-: ok
(16:24:05) cyberalien: that would be helpful to figure out why you don't see it
(16:26:35) an-: step1 3.0
(16:26:53) an-: step2 3.0
(16:27:51) an-: i see these options are now under 'details'
(16:27:54) an-: once the style is installed
(16:28:13) cyberalien: oh, during installation. that page doesn't exist in new acp_styles, but it lets you install several styles at once
(16:28:17) an-: the language there is really not ideal
(16:28:42) an-: for admins used to 3.0
(16:28:55) an-: basically stuff just disappeared
(16:29:13) cyberalien: i can add that back when user is installing only 1 style
(16:29:28) an-: Here you can manage the available styles on your board. You may alter existing styles, delete, deactivate, reactivate, install new ones.
(16:29:37) an-: on that particular screen uninstalled styles are no longer displayed
(16:29:48) an-: you have to go to install styles in the sidebar
(16:30:06) an-: maybe add a link below style list to install styles?
(16:30:48) cyberalien: good idea too
(16:31:46) an-: Style "subsilver2" has been installed.
(16:31:46) an-: Click here to return to installed styles list.
(16:32:26) an-: maybe add a line to the effect of "click here to set this as default style or change style settings" which leads to details page
(16:32:39) cyberalien: 3 links will be confusing to user
(16:33:25) cyberalien: maybe add radio box to installed styles list, allowing user to quickly switch default style?
(16:33:27) an-: well i don't know
(16:33:44) cyberalien: that would be less confusing and user will immediately see it
(16:34:07) an-: maybe split actions into multiple columns
(16:34:14) an-: if details is in its own column it might be easier to see
(16:34:26) an-: however "details" does not imply "settings" or "options"
(16:34:44) an-: and as a matter of fact in 3.0 details is in its own column titled options
(16:34:53) an-: so that maybe should go back to the way it was
(16:36:00) cyberalien: i'm not sure about that, but i'll add it to see if it helps