Now that template events have been merged here is the situation:
1. We still need migrations (
RFC). Since Nils insists on keeping the diff huge migrations are all on him.
2. The events part of template events should be reviewed and, after adding documentation, merged (Pull request). This is not currently seeing as much activity as I would like.
3. Consistent names for events (RFC). We should probably get this done before releasing 3.1 alpha to the community.
3. Consistent order of dependency injected objects (
RFC). Technically this can be done during alpha phase but it may be nice toward extension authors to get this changed before 3.1 alpha.
4. Once the above is done I do not have any planned blockers for 3.1 alpha 1. If there are any functional (or supposedly functional) extensions I would make ensuring that they are functional a 3.1-A1 blocker. Otherwise I would suggest releasing 3.1-A1 as a call for testing to the community.
Note that event names and locations in 3.1-A1 are not frozen and may change before 3.1 beta. Assuming we get the event name coding guidelines passed and implemented, any changes post alpha 1 should be community driven.
5. Somewhere between alpha 1 and alpha 2 we should probably merge all major pull requests that are going to be included into 3.1. After alpha 2 I propose branching ascraeus off develop and merging any new functionality into what will become 3.2.
Between alpha 1 and alpha 2 the priority should be completing any outstanding pull requests that their authors want to get into 3.1.
6. Starting with alpha 2 the priority should be fixing blocker bugs (
Report) and newly found regressions.
7. We will continue adding events by community request until at least RC stage.